You've cut me to the core... And of course I am an MFAC. I was on vouching for the "fact" that Kernan is a straight shooter, not that he shoots straight. Clear? I am pretty sure that Palin and Obama and even "W" would be welcome at my picnic (although I don't think I could stomach Barney or Nancy).
I do wish to thank you for pointing out the vacuousness of my name dropping and the total lack of a real point that I had/have. I have not had real interaction with any Critters (unless you count RMN's famous kiss to my forehead on his whistle stop tour in '68 that made the front page of all the local newspapers and permanently attached me to one of the most famous politicians of our generation and sent me on a lifelong disillusionment starting the day of his resignation and through the "I didn't have sex with THAT woman... We'll read it after we sign it... etc...) until hanging out with the local Joes.
So, just keep in mind as you go posting slander at me, that I have friends in high places.
I fart in your general direction, uberMFAC.