Yeah too.. dwelling on Just How?loony are our fellow-inmates
--can seduce the psyche into that, Now were *I* elected Dictator.. -space, quite South of Narnia.
Thing Is: it remains unClear to moi that *ANY* homo-sap devised 'System' is capable of protecting the Planet and all those outnumbering-Us-species upon it
from: >Our< seppuku-racing deranged-species.
(Being Fatally-flawed has no imaginable treatment: even under your Part-D unlimited-psyche-deranging pharm-chem pass.)
But wtf: either it-ALL IS just the daily-illusion of the Maya or -??- it ISN'T.
Pick yer poison and a decent Merlot (with the cat sleeping on your lap) and repeat the mantra, It's a crap-shoot!
Love the Uncertainty--it's all you evah Shall get, I very-much wot.
PS, mm: methinks that you Really have to cadge a copy of, Europe Central, which I shall try to review here--if I can find few-enough words.
Much of it is about stuff you were 'around-for'--and IMO nobody yet read: ever encapsulated 1919-->on through cold-war as Vollmann here [most-improbably!] succeeds:
full of ironies and beautifully snarky observations on All the Players. With refs. Couldn't put it down,
despite length; it's like no other 'history' of that-All. Nowhere else have I so-grokked the visceral-Reality of day-day liff under those two totalitarian Horrors.
You'll love the sleepwalker .. that Icon-ever-to-be; '-clasted'. But never so utterly unMasked.
For me, 'twas: You Are There.
(Some of his devices will remind of RPlenty..) What a SHITTY-Century was the XXth. Nuff said.