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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Shocking.
I'm in the 10% "Bleeding Heart" Left that believes in a full Progressive agenda.
Who would have thought?
New I'm bleeding!
New Seems I am also...
Hard to believe, I still consider myself a Republican.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
New Come over into the light! :-D
New I'd have voted for a Republican for President once.
Back when Reagan was running for Governor of the state of California when I was living there, I'd have done ANYTHING to get him out of my state.
New Back when i was in...
High School, I was a *PROUD* Young Reagan Republican! (Graduated in 1986)

Or so I thought.

I made a large poster cartoon about the Government Shutdowns happening back then. Had Reagan as a carny-barker with a vertical wheel game, "Wheel of Fortune"... representing the budget.

He barked: Round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows.

Of course "social programs" and "deficit reduction" and other non-Republican things were slivers, and the Defense Department had more than 90% of the wheel.

My Government teacher about wet herself laughing. I obviously got an A on that assignment. Little did I know, I had made a Democratic poster that also called to Libertarians.

So, I guess maybe I am a RINO, really.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
New Reaganism is the opiate of the People.
That was my bumpersticker around that time when I was in college. The thing that just stupifies me is that Reagan took the world's leading creditor nation and turned it into the world's leading debtor nation and called it "Economic Revival", "Morning in America" and the all the rest. And there are *STILL* people who think Reagan was "great" for the economy. I whince when I hear Republicans screaming about the national debt. For Christ's sake, all Presidents up to Reagan had generated about 800 Billion of debt. When Reagan left office, we'd passed TWO POINT SIX TRILLION. He more than TRIPLED the debts of all Presidents up to him in just eight years. But, he's the HERO of the deficit hawks. *BOGGLE*
New Yeah too.. dwelling on Just How?loony are our fellow-inmates
--can seduce the psyche into that, Now were *I* elected Dictator.. -space, quite South of Narnia.

Thing Is: it remains unClear to moi that *ANY* homo-sap devised 'System' is capable of protecting the Planet and all those outnumbering-Us-species upon it
from: >Our< seppuku-racing deranged-species.
(Being Fatally-flawed has no imaginable treatment: even under your Part-D unlimited-psyche-deranging pharm-chem pass.)

But wtf: either it-ALL IS just the daily-illusion of the Maya or -??- it ISN'T.
Pick yer poison and a decent Merlot (with the cat sleeping on your lap) and repeat the mantra, It's a crap-shoot!
Love the Uncertainty--it's all you evah Shall get, I very-much wot.



PS, mm: methinks that you Really have to cadge a copy of, Europe Central, which I shall try to review here--if I can find few-enough words.
Much of it is about stuff you were 'around-for'--and IMO nobody yet read: ever encapsulated 1919-->on through cold-war as Vollmann here [most-improbably!] succeeds:
full of ironies and beautifully snarky observations on All the Players. With refs. Couldn't put it down,
despite length; it's like no other 'history' of that-All. Nowhere else have I so-grokked the visceral-Reality of day-day liff under those two totalitarian Horrors.
You'll love the sleepwalker .. that Icon-ever-to-be; '-clasted'. But never so utterly unMasked.
For me, 'twas: You Are There.

(Some of his devices will remind of RPlenty..) What a SHITTY-Century was the XXth. Nuff said.
New Thanks for the tip. I'll look it up.
     dead center of the great american political middle - (boxley) - (16)
         Shocking. - (mmoffitt) - (8)
             I'm bleeding! -NT - (Another Scott) - (7)
                 Seems I am also... - (folkert) - (6)
                     Come over into the light! :-D -NT - (Another Scott)
                     I'd have voted for a Republican for President once. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                         Back when i was in... - (folkert) - (3)
                             Reaganism is the opiate of the People. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                 Yeah too.. dwelling on Just How?loony are our fellow-inmates - (Ashton) - (1)
                                     Thanks for the tip. I'll look it up. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Minivan moderate 'R us. :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Yaaaaay! I got "Official Bleeding Heart Liberal" -NT - (Andrew Grygus)
         Pisses me off - (drook) - (2)
             I said "Enough of the questions..." No e-mail required. -NT - (Another Scott)
             Maybe they're trolling for, "just wanna talk to Someone.." - (Ashton)
         Dupe, ignore - (drook)
         Re: dead center of the great american political middle - (S1mon_Jester)

Hello, boys and girls, this is your old pal Stinky Wizzleteats!
49 ms