I thought I'd go --> Direct. (They want truthful, impartial Observers: right?)
Right ??
'Twas a chicano guy--apparently a tad-over the 'personal use-' rubric for Demon Pot. Etc.
They got around to moi..
I said ~~ Yer honor, I'm not sure I can discharge my duties adequately.
I have serious doubts about the effects of our drug laws, of the incarcerations and of the the justice delivered.
I don't know how to reconcile that view with the Court's expectations.
(All true, btw.) Don't recall a few brief Q/As but was--naturally--sent away with first peremptory..
(I pondered whether it was 'my duty' to attempt to keep this young guy somehow out of the lock-step fate he seemed to face.)
But then I wasn't sure I could sit-through the agonizingly slow process that seemed inevitable,
without inciting some jury-nullification tack ... likely sans any real support.
Dunno my response, next time. If there is one: nobody's invited me for several years now.
(Oh, in addition to Don't get really-Sick in Murica ... Do try to stay away from its Justice--if you can..)