Alas my Job #1 is to Get Rid Of various test eq. once used in a er, 'edumacated techno-crazed society', in deadly pursuit of something they 'called' Progress..
('They' have since farmed-out everything which once required disciplined effort; ergo, they need-not such warez as do require gumption to operate.
Infotainment demands not even entry-grade jelloware, it's all passive.

Merely prettifying the assemblage--would be to beg the Question: crush it unceremoniously? (the Norm here) or stupidly seek to see if there exist--still--any authentic Users.
At some point: shall flip coin. It's the only statistically sane solution.

IKEA: should have been in George Carlin's Magnum Opus skit, on Stuff!
[ie. Where to Put It All.]