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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Groovy. Still got my e-mail?
InThane - Now running Ashton rev 2.0
New Apparently not.
I sent a message to your yahoooooo account.

I'm still me at hotmail.
     Ashton, I think you'll like this - (Silverlock) - (16)
         Like?______Love. It. - (Ashton)
         Woooo hoooooo! -NT - (Brandioch) - (6)
             Er umm *Seattle* group? - (Ashton) - (5)
                 I haven't heard yet. Probably not. - (Brandioch) - (4)
                     He's right. - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                         Yep. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                             Groovy. Still got my e-mail? -NT - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                                 Apparently not. - (Brandioch)
         While waiting for their charters' revocation - (Arkadiy) - (2)
             Don't worry, our elected officials are right on top of it. - (inthane-chan)
             Heard that too.. another to add to boycott list w/Walmart. -NT - (Ashton)
         Seen the idea before - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             Excellent point.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Or, simpler: If you're for the death penalty for *people*... -NT - (CRConrad)
         Corporate Death Penalty - (tuberculosis) - (1)
             The Whiner?!? *I* said that, years ago! (Here, or on EzCrap) -NT - (CRConrad)

Same LRPD time, same LRPD channel.
98 ms