IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New A lot of it is self-assemble, or flat-pack.
Makes it cheaper and generally easier to transport home. Some lines are highly modular and extensible to a considerably degree.

Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
New Can see the appeal..
Alas my Job #1 is to Get Rid Of various test eq. once used in a er, 'edumacated techno-crazed society', in deadly pursuit of something they 'called' Progress..
('They' have since farmed-out everything which once required disciplined effort; ergo, they need-not such warez as do require gumption to operate.
Infotainment demands not even entry-grade jelloware, it's all passive.

Merely prettifying the assemblage--would be to beg the Question: crush it unceremoniously? (the Norm here) or stupidly seek to see if there exist--still--any authentic Users.
At some point: shall flip coin. It's the only statistically sane solution.

IKEA: should have been in George Carlin's Magnum Opus skit, on Stuff!
[ie. Where to Put It All.]
New Glitch never-mind.
Alas my Job #1 is to Get Rid Of various test eq. once used in a er, 'edumacated techno-crazed society', in deadly pursuit of something they 'called' Progress..
('They' have since farmed-out everything which once required disciplined effort; ergo, they need-not such warez as do require gumption to operate.
Infotainment demands not even entry-grade jelloware, it's all passive.

Merely prettifying the assemblage--would be to beg the Question: crush it unceremoniously? (the Norm here) or stupidly seek to see if there exist--still--any authentic Users.
At some point: shall flip coin. It's the only statistically sane solution.

IKEA: should have been in George Carlin's Magnum Opus skit, on Stuff!
[ie. Where to Put It All.]
Expand Edited by Ashton Oct. 16, 2013, 04:38:28 PM EDT
     One for Peter: IKEA or Death? - (Another Scott) - (11)
         Congrats you are... Kvlt. - (hnick)
         13 / 20 -NT - (drook)
         17/20. - (a6l6e6x)
         What's IKEA? - (Ashton) - (5)
             Re: What's IKEA? - (a6l6e6x) - (4)
                 Ah.. lots of small boxes/lots of Big Bucks, thanks. -NT - (Ashton) - (3)
                     A lot of it is self-assemble, or flat-pack. - (static) - (2)
                         Can see the appeal.. - (Ashton)
                         Glitch never-mind. - (Ashton)
         Bah, screwed up right outta the gate, at #2... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             rofl. Congratulations! -NT - (Another Scott)

I took the liberty of fixing the punctuation.
52 ms