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New Re: What's IKEA?
From Wikipedia:

Founded in Sweden in 1943 by a 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad, who is one of the world's richest people in 2013, the company's name is an acronym that consists of the initials of Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd (the farm where he grew up), and Agunnaryd (his hometown in Småland, South Sweden).
New Ah.. lots of small boxes/lots of Big Bucks, thanks.
New A lot of it is self-assemble, or flat-pack.
Makes it cheaper and generally easier to transport home. Some lines are highly modular and extensible to a considerably degree.

Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
New Can see the appeal..
Alas my Job #1 is to Get Rid Of various test eq. once used in a er, 'edumacated techno-crazed society', in deadly pursuit of something they 'called' Progress..
('They' have since farmed-out everything which once required disciplined effort; ergo, they need-not such warez as do require gumption to operate.
Infotainment demands not even entry-grade jelloware, it's all passive.

Merely prettifying the assemblage--would be to beg the Question: crush it unceremoniously? (the Norm here) or stupidly seek to see if there exist--still--any authentic Users.
At some point: shall flip coin. It's the only statistically sane solution.

IKEA: should have been in George Carlin's Magnum Opus skit, on Stuff!
[ie. Where to Put It All.]
New Glitch never-mind.
Alas my Job #1 is to Get Rid Of various test eq. once used in a er, 'edumacated techno-crazed society', in deadly pursuit of something they 'called' Progress..
('They' have since farmed-out everything which once required disciplined effort; ergo, they need-not such warez as do require gumption to operate.
Infotainment demands not even entry-grade jelloware, it's all passive.

Merely prettifying the assemblage--would be to beg the Question: crush it unceremoniously? (the Norm here) or stupidly seek to see if there exist--still--any authentic Users.
At some point: shall flip coin. It's the only statistically sane solution.

IKEA: should have been in George Carlin's Magnum Opus skit, on Stuff!
[ie. Where to Put It All.]
Expand Edited by Ashton Oct. 16, 2013, 04:38:28 PM EDT
     One for Peter: IKEA or Death? - (Another Scott) - (11)
         Congrats you are... Kvlt. - (hnick)
         13 / 20 -NT - (drook)
         17/20. - (a6l6e6x)
         What's IKEA? - (Ashton) - (5)
             Re: What's IKEA? - (a6l6e6x) - (4)
                 Ah.. lots of small boxes/lots of Big Bucks, thanks. -NT - (Ashton) - (3)
                     A lot of it is self-assemble, or flat-pack. - (static) - (2)
                         Can see the appeal.. - (Ashton)
                         Glitch never-mind. - (Ashton)
         Bah, screwed up right outta the gate, at #2... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             rofl. Congratulations! -NT - (Another Scott)

"Me Damnit!" - God
53 ms