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New Old Clunker?
A P200 with 128MB RAM and two 1.6GB HDs running WindowMaker was my desktop machine for a couple of years up until Feb 2001 when I gave in and bought a 1.2GHz Athlon. I could afford the upgrade game, but it felt so nice to be able to do almost everything I wanted to do (except games, the main reason for the Athlon) on such a system. And it was quiet (2 fans instead of the 6 in my current machine).

I tried GNOME and KDE every once in a while, but they were either clunky, buggy, or both. When I got the Athlon, I threw RH 7.x with KDE on it for a while. Though it was much snappier, it wasn't as crisp as you'd expect from such hardware. I gave up and putw W2K back on it and haven't been much interested in running Linux on the desktop since. I have been following the projects though. I run Linux in a Virtual PC when the need arises (dev work).

If I ever do go back, it would likely be to WindowMaker and ROX Filer.

Chris Altmann
I find that Debian's (sid) interpretation of GNOME on my P3 800 with 256MB RAM is extremely crisp and snappy. Previously on this hardware I ran Ximian GNOME on Red Hat 7.2, and was most pleased with that. Evolution alone is worth it. (Evolution is such a good email/calendar/contact client that it feels like a step down when I come to work and use Outlook 2002)

I don't use a pixmap theme, though - I use Crux, which is an engine theme and therefore much faster.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Anybody but me ever feel like this? - (mmoffitt) - (5)
         Yep. - (kmself) - (1)
             Silly? - (ben_tilly)
         Old Clunker? - (altmann) - (1)
             On GNOME - (pwhysall)
         GUI? Bah, all you need is the CLI -NT - (boxley)

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