I don't know what to say but I though you might enjoy this -
Just saying'.
Box - throwing you a bone
I don't know what to say but I though you might enjoy this -
http://thepeoplescub...ories-t11747.html Just saying'. :-) Just a few thoughts,
Dan |
heh, thx
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Punk Counterpunk
Hola Danno! Up to yer old pot-stirring profligacy, I wot, eh? Kommisar. Got two books (of events from Your Past--and why That is also your Present and, quite possibly our Futchah [??]) 1) Red Plenty 2) Europe Central (Both these stirring sagas were passed-on by a certain cohort; his propinquity and perspicuity shall be evident on inspection of the n-reviews all over; their contemporary relevance ought to manifest within a few scans. Quote from review of one: ... has done as much as anyone in recent memory to return moral seriousness to American fiction. (But note that: 'fiction' has to do with the er, 'means of presentation' of [easily verifiable events, etc.]) Bon Appetít, Dostoevsky-Danno Recommend, while most e-junk is turned Off: for actually Reading stuff-- a possible music accompaniment might range from Mahler to.. Stravinsky (via Tom Lehrer? (Not appropriate here: Manfred ... conflicting metaphors can lead to cerebral calcification; also too: too-many-words.) Carrion. I Who Be |
Re: Punk Counterpunk
Awesome article. Very interesting and very thought provoking. But has at its core the exact fallacy that permeates all who espouse the current Democrat position - the premise that "since we are the richest country in the world, we should..." That horse left the barn about seventeen trillion hours ago (actually closer to 104 trillion but who is really counting)? To me, the current "debate" is akin to an abusive father trying to cut off and take the keys away from his crackhead kid. It's hard to take joy in any of it but sooner or later it needs to be done. The analogy breaks down when trying to determine who the "father" is as the obvious one tends to be just as irresponsible as the kid. The older we become, the less clear it seems to me my old friend as much as I try to deduce it all just seems to be political GIGO.
Just a few thoughts,
Dan |
Re: Punk Counterpunk
Appreciate the book referrals as well. They were not on my radar. Downloaded "Red Plenty" and will give book report as soon as I am done. :-) I will try Europe Central next Funny thing about the plot summary of the latter book, I wrote my graduate thesis on a comparative of the final days of the war as reported by Pravda, Das Reich and the New York Times. It was fascinating research and as one might expect, the only commonalities were rough dates and times - the actual events were not even close. Long live Politizania... Just a few thoughts,
Dan |
Now that's alacrity..!
So if you're going to inhale these in succession.. note that Euro is lengthy and.. see if you notice some similarities in the authors'
... call it 'framing style'? [some of these neologisms tend to suck, when they become memes.] But not these two, I wot. Secondly: I had the thought that Vonnegut (Slagthof Funf, of course) might have caused both to go.. Hmmmm. (Am ~ 4/5 through Euro, had read RPlenty some weeks earlier. The time-shifts are no longer jarring and I see the effectiveness of this method: if.. the author be a bloody-Good. Writer.) (Remind me to re-tell my Dachau story if you missed it way-back..) Cheers, A. Re other post--Yes, of course the 'Counter-punk' article is facile; Muricans Are the spoiled-Brats of the world, lazy mentally, able to duel-with-slogans as-if that were 'thinking', etc. 'Consumption' used to mean ~ TB, but in any event, being labelled a Consumer has always seemed to connote: a mouth so-open there's no keeping anything In (or Out) of it. Brains similarly. ie no expectations that any Politico/schoolmarm can get children of adult-ages to eat their spinach and quit obsessing about infinite-Stuff? As Geo. Carlin so aptly covered in his Stuff-skit for All Time. I doubt there's Time now for an entire nation to Grow Up--given the massive list of utterly-essential tasks, hardly getting a mention in the zeitgeist. This species just longs for seppuku. Still :-/ (So I rescue cats.. seems that the under-water McMansion owners, a portion of these: will leave pets locked inside/no food, water nor care provisions at all. Sometimes these get lucky when a passer-by hears the sounds of hunger/distress. I won't even go to imagining the others' deaths via homo-sap premeditated cruelty. Screw this species; it makes entirely too many Mengeles, Cheney Shogunates and Koch brothers. (Nutshell version.) Welcome Back.. to this IQ-vetted oasis amidst the plethora of dross.. We may not be genius-grade, but at least nobody drools: the humidity stays below 60% [??] (And Do let me know if you're to be in the Area--next time!) |
I always possessed a kinder and gentler machine gun hand
At the risk of alluding to a skit (fairly apropos) in MP's Meaning of Life, you said something about cats? Really? Cats are some of my favorite people too. How many as of most recent census?
http://www.youtube.c...tch?v=O2QJvc_SxFQ Just a few thoughts,
Dan |
..prefer the PPK; in both hands, IF...
Don't 'count' actually: that is, if you look at National Numbers (all related to that 'how a Nation treats its animals' Thing..) you'd just see shoveling endless shit against incoming tides.
Only number I ever see is: >This 'cat'< Gets to Have a life. That is 100% Success, and as far as I dare use numbers. Anyway: 2 In/Out-door cats + 2 long-term ferals here/just now. Mostly.. incoming-$$ get apportioned to the Real-troops: TNR-ing (trap, neuter, release) and finding homes for the de-flea-d, cleaned up rescuees. Sometimes people have to be Up and about at darkness hours, especially to trap ill/weak/scared outliers who WIll Die shortly [normally.] Know any excessively-wealthy types who have actually developed a real-Life? There are sooo Many who possess obscene wealthandwantMoreandMore--some must by-now be human? Brighthaven a local place: takes-in the 'terminally-ill', aged == unadoptable animals, extracting $$ for LIfetime service: from those who can afford/then gratis for as many as they can also accommodate (to the same standards of superb-care.) They are in peril--for the usual reasons in a brain-dead Vulture-capitalist milieu--so, a few $100K could stake them to a n more years survival.. know any contributors, offfhand? (They'll get a %large of my creekside-Villa in increasingly-Gentrified KWood, when i t's time for me to get outta this chicken-outfit.) Alas, though: I still Here, well, today thus-far.. so it 's difficult to make predictions--especially about the Futchah. Carrion. There are many Awww stories; I try not to spread them willy-nilly, but since you Asked: Two tiny females arrived here ~ 3 yrs ago: one Irascible! but really Wishing to be comfortable enough to accept TLC; the other: shy, undiagnosed properly (thyroid problem eventually treated: Improvements..) Named them Milli- and Micro- [as in *cough* μ] This shy-cat, while making self scarce mostly (in-house) during day.. Lived for bed-time. When I hit sack, she'd unfailingly climb the small-steps to bed (arthritis) and bee-line for the crook of my arm, bury head there and ... depending on my night-moves --would be there in morning, not having stirred. (Her clear Pleasure in that simple thing: no words.) In her final weeks, she had Gotten her TLC, as best I could provide--making more bearable the missing part, which won't ever completely disappear, natch. We get more than we ever 'give'; there's a Reason for cliches. MrrOWWWR. Ed: Heh.. just noted your addendum: ... + oTyp The Special Version, I wot (for Muricans) The Meaning of LIff Carrion. It's what's for lunch 10/2018 |