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New So then,, How many Bit-coins should I add to my
Mad-money Escape fund?
(Is the %probability-of-disappointment comparable to that possible ~need to Sell-short the USD or Euro
--in the medium-short range, that is: NOBODY knoze what 2013-2023 will be like, even remotely.)

'Interest'.. (as within: all those years before there were repetitive melt-downs) is now at such ludicrous rates as to beg the Risk/Reward Question flat-out.
Anyone here run this up the flagpole with any seriousness?
Also, given Mr. Gödels prescience and various other Uncertainties: any mathematicians noted the basis of their algorithms -vs- #years to crack?
or else: #years to Prove uncrackability ... to some deep precision about the smaller-infinities?

In Such times, a one Needs to diversify or.. ossify.
New Trade them for shares of TVIX
I hear that next to pork bellies, Louis is hot on derivatives of derivatives…

Just sayin'
Just a few thoughts,

     So then,, How many Bit-coins should I add to my - (Ashton) - (1)
         Trade them for shares of TVIX - (danreck)

I'm gonna grab you by your Supercut and shake you like a fresh glowstick!
27 ms