all True: in Not *One* of our 'interdictions', from 'the Korean police action' on, has the World been left "in a better place"; the only guaranteed-Winners pre- during- post these actions have been..
the likes of Cheney, Murdoch, millionaire-Bloviators and all arms dealers.
[Possible exception..? Kososvo]

Muricans can't even refrain from terminal-Language Murder.. hardly a promising prerequisite for inflicting Vulture Capitalism on any innocents, I wot.
(I can't even be moved to tot-up the #Failed States™ created by/subsequent-to various degrees of our er, Help?)..

Maybe we can get back to: the Over-Population Bomb, soon?
All the World's a stage (to coin a phrase)--but When.. Ever have you been in a theatre where everyone has to have another person On Her Lap?
(No, I haven't yet addressed the Problem of WHICH-?-oligarchs shall transmute their $Bs into $Ts--via any such global aim; you'd have to be a congenital-Repo to swim in that swamp.)
