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New I haven't found one, but ...
I did run across [link|http://www.lowagie.com/iText/|iText], a LGPL Java library for PDF/RTF generation. It looks quite capable. At some point I may see if it can be useful for some simple tabular reporting and form letter generation.

What have you found so far?
Chris Altmann
New JasperReports looks interesting (LGPL, Java)
[link|http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/|JasperReports] looks interesting. It is Java based and LGPL. It looks like it takes and XML report definition and compiles the report into a Java class. When run, it gets the data via JDBC. It uses the previously mentioned iText library for PDF generation.
Chris Altmann
     Open-source reporting solution? - (tablizer) - (4)
         I haven't found one, but ... - (altmann) - (1)
             JasperReports looks interesting (LGPL, Java) - (altmann)
         Not that I know of - (orion)
         Another (non-open source but cheap with source) Java based. - (altmann)

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