Your last point is the most important.
I'll agree that Microsoft has done a good job of putting in the pieces and putting them together.
I'll agree that much of those pieces are as good or equal to anything Apple or Google have.
I'll also agree than at this point, Microsoft has more money than sense to throw at these kinds of things and also do have many of the pieces in good shape to take on something like this with ease.
The thing though, that even if Microsoft were to hire the same exact people or agencies or marketing firms or what not... at this point, they are still seriously under the impression that they matter.
In reality they don't at the moment. They have to put together a complete package that avoids the landmines they have placed before themselves in years past. For example Zune (even though it was a nice piece of kit)... for example previous versions Windows Phone... for example "Plays For Sure"... to name just a few related bad experiences Microsoft forced customers to endure and not really "care" since they thought they were untouchable and immune.
Also recently Microsoft, flailing trying to figure out how to steer the ship with the wind, rather than against it and tearing down the sails and then rowing.
Yes, it is a monumental challenge to bring the entire set of Fiefdoms into alignment and to help the company bring its "Vision" back. Then *SELL* that "Vision" and not back bite the customers that actually adopt it, like it has continually done over the years.
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