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New Have something maybe relevant at USPS now..
Will get back to you anon, as I think there will be an alternative-POV described re the side-effects of statins, and some critical, hopefully sustainable arguments +/-.

Just happened to send off for some material which should be a tome and some other reprints, probably including cholesterol, statins and several other common matters
(This re just general catching-up before any 'need'; as most know, my pref over last 30+ years; is to evade US corp. medicine wherever possible--maybe I've just been lucky so far..)

New Material is condescendingly didactic, thus far
though I have only scanned it. Have to see what DATA/links may be embedded, etc.
Generally though it is in the Skeptical Camp-untrusting of Big-Pharma's demonstrated selective-data-taking/suppression of Most-all [-]s
And implicitly: upon the passive (?) lazy-minded , oft ego-driven attitudes inculcated within those who have been trained-up by the AMA.

In those regards, though: "Dr. Brownstein's" approach correlates with the caveats expressed here, and my POV re US corporate medicine:

[Cumulative rant-du-jour]
We *are* on. our. own. to cut through the oceans of simple-minded lore du jour, whether re simplistic notions of Yes/No kind or fuzziness re most topics related to National Ignorant Nutrition--at base.
Whether re cholesterol, prostate, antediluvian circumcision! or [. . .]
The only near-Certaintiy from my experience which Big-$$-Med ever revealed to this simple-mind, is:

Caveat Emptor; the sharpest minds do not seem to go into Medicine here; generally; their filter is too-much aligned with being able to memorize/not Think incisively.
(And I have 'worked' with those allegedly doing 'research'--observed their sometimes obtuse comprehension--even of their own 'experiments'.)
If you can say, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate without stuttering--and recall a number of similar names, you're a good candidate to make it through Med-School-USA: The Corporation.

It IS a PITA that the 'oracles' do have such Feet of Mush; but..There We Are. IMho.

Luck in your personal-weightings as you rummage amidst ... the TMI/oft dubious: of anything (re actual Health! attainment in America) amidst a morass of
"treating Lucrative-'diseases'/oft with invented-scary-Names"/inspiring little confidence of veracity.

(Should I face one of these Popular Dis-eases in any next, after confirming that whatever I am told can pass the Actuality-Test, my instinct shall be to tag the best Sane Country
--with thus non-Ludicrous costs: and fly there.)

OURS is a Broken, Usurious, Corporately-Cynical Success--in turning the universal desire for a Healthy Life™ into a 99% Profit-driven Facsimile of the phrase, Health Care.
Think: the thousand-$$ [We can't Patent It but you Need it] ASPIRIN.
er, quod erat demonstrandum?

LUCK ... to every single One of us-in-US. Until we take-back THIS 'topic' along with 102 others.. still just a a'festerin 'n a'rottin within the body-politic of this noisily-dying, personal-$$-obsessed oligarchy.

Law above fear, justice above law, mercy above justice, love above all.
     Statins? - (rcareaga) - (21)
         My father was on them for a while. - (Another Scott)
         Why would you take them? - (drook) - (3)
             mitochondrial damage, hmmm - (rcareaga)
             Yes, the whole cholesterol heart attack theory . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 David Gillespie thinks so, too. - (static)
         Re: Statins? - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Neat source ... quote from one of those links - (drook)
         Have something maybe relevant at USPS now.. - (Ashton) - (1)
             Material is condescendingly didactic, thus far - (Ashton)
         my wife takes whatever the docs throw at her - (boxley)
         Sibs (3) are united in urging statins - (rcareaga) - (4)
             Oatmeal is good and quick in the morning. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 That would have been my suggestion as well. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     Beware the yoghurt, unfortunately. - (static)
             urge you to look at the arteries - (boxley)
         Good timing - (drook)
         Industry bias - (gcareaga) - (2)
             Not how I'd interpret that - (drook) - (1)
                 Lovely: if we think 1/0 is Hard? Try 0/0. With-feeling. ;^> -NT - (Ashton)
         Hate 'em - (crazy) - (1)
             Inflammation. - (Andrew Grygus)

Gill was also down on his luck. Fact was, he was barely keeping his head below water.
43 ms