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New Re: Statins?
Go mental, and read yourself some SCIENCE:


If you're going to be a git with a search engine, might as well be a git with Cochrane.
New Neat source ... quote from one of those links
Caution also needs to be taken regarding the fact that all but 1 of the trials had some form of pharmaceutical industry sponsorship.

I can't find the specific article I was looking for, but Ben Goldacre writes on this problem at http://www.badscience.net/

Short version: The main problem with pharma-sponsored research isn't that they've necessarily faked the data -- though that happens far too often -- it's the bias introduced by simply not publishing anything that doesn't support their preferred conclusion. Then any meta-analysis will show for instance, "19 out of 20 studies showed a positive correlation between foo and bar". Unknown (because they were never published) is that 47 other studies showed the opposite.

     Statins? - (rcareaga) - (21)
         My father was on them for a while. - (Another Scott)
         Why would you take them? - (drook) - (3)
             mitochondrial damage, hmmm - (rcareaga)
             Yes, the whole cholesterol heart attack theory . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 David Gillespie thinks so, too. - (static)
         Re: Statins? - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Neat source ... quote from one of those links - (drook)
         Have something maybe relevant at USPS now.. - (Ashton) - (1)
             Material is condescendingly didactic, thus far - (Ashton)
         my wife takes whatever the docs throw at her - (boxley)
         Sibs (3) are united in urging statins - (rcareaga) - (4)
             Oatmeal is good and quick in the morning. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 That would have been my suggestion as well. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     Beware the yoghurt, unfortunately. - (static)
             urge you to look at the arteries - (boxley)
         Good timing - (drook)
         Industry bias - (gcareaga) - (2)
             Not how I'd interpret that - (drook) - (1)
                 Lovely: if we think 1/0 is Hard? Try 0/0. With-feeling. ;^> -NT - (Ashton)
         Hate 'em - (crazy) - (1)
             Inflammation. - (Andrew Grygus)

Whoze Kewl, whoze tepid and whoze nonexistent.
45 ms