During the civil rights dust up, there WAS a major switcheroo. The southern crazies went to the Republicans and embraced the southern policy, which was, and still is, massively successful. The more sane Republicans migrated to the Democrats. Over time, policies shifted and later additions to the party followed the changing policies. The "over time" is important.

The Koch brothers aren't Dixiecrats; they're good old fashioned fascists. They will co-op anybody on either side of the aisle who is for sale(pretty much all of them.) Libertarians have been many things over the years; now they're pretty much just Republican shock troops.

Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Cornyn are just corrupt politicians. They could be any party; they're in it for the money and the power. They don't give a shit about anybody or anyone but themselves. They're good at it, so whatever happens, they will retire very wealthy and unprosecuted.

The Dixiecrat label went away; the Dixiecrats are still there in abundance. The labels just changed; a rose by any other name...