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New My ATT experience
You are wrong to think if you dont pay their bill you cannot get another carrier. I was with AT&T for about 14 yrs when I noticed that a call to Canada that was normally billed at 15cents per minute was now $1.80 a minute. I called and they explained that since I didnt have their new service I would have to pay. While I was protesting the bill I was able to change to verizon smart service, I prepay and get 7cents a minute US 11 cents Canada and 17 cents to Finland for when I find CRC's phone number again. Cost 25 to the local telco to make the change but verizon reimbursed me.
ATT send my bill to collections until I told them I would pay a lawyer 2 thousand dollars rather than pay a penny over 15cents per minute. They adjusted the bill and I paid it.
my 2centavos
New This is different, I think.
See.. you were a member of the ATT Club. Yours was a dispute about a patently sleazy 'charge change' (the std Fone BS game IIRC). I think this means that, you indeed had a court case for their having behaved in a Microsoftian way = the court might well have come to same conclusions as they did re the Original Microsoft's behavior.

But.. my rip-off had to do with a %^*#^@ PUC-SANCTIONED ripoff: for those *not* a member. (ie anyone in an emergency? on-the-road? etc) Since the PUC has jurisdiction over setting max ""legal"" fees and ATT has chosen That value for their Standard rate: I believe I would lose, even if the judge might agree it was a rip-off which any 9 year old could identify. The Majesty of that Nation of Laws / fuck the smaller unfunded people, y'know?

Correct me if I'm missing something.. though I do believe that some org could make this into an impeachment of the PUC / as not acting in the public interest / as obviously whoring around with Fone Suits, etc. But not on my budget, alas.

(Other windmills are apt to have a better tilt-quotient than this Murican Corporate Standard Behavior 2002 IMhO)

Ashton :(
New Dont pay it right away, dispute the SH*T out of it
then negotiate a discount later, offer them 5 bucks for the 20 second call, but in anycase they cannot shut off your long distance to another company.
New Verizon sez they can -
but that is debatable - point is moot as, with "automatic deduction" via bank xfer: payment will go out - there's a 30-day buffer to alter that option; no provisions for emergency like.. Corporate Misbehavior. I have to assume that Verizon is not lying about this part. But the prohibition of using any LD service.?. I think may merely be the ultimate revenge, after a series of no-pays of legitimate bills. As I said - moot just now.

I'll find an Other way to recapture this from AT&T with Interest, in time. My bill is the evidence. Perhaps I will need the Peruvian legislator to explain it to AT&T ...

Nillo illegitimati non carborundum
New It's +358 -forty- 57 47 45 eight to my work mobile. HTH! :-)
New thank you sir will email to several of my accounts
     Speaking of.. 'what's legal' VS what's ethical + Corporate - (Ashton) - (14)
         The Market works. But there are special case scenarios. - (Brandioch)
         Nice thing those Fed breakups - (orion)
         And I thought my son's call to Germany was expensive. - (a6l6e6x) - (5)
             I think.. 15\ufffd/min to UK, maybe 22 to Ger. is doable now.. - (Ashton) - (4)
                 Actually, you can do better than that. - (jb4) - (1)
                     Yes - (Mike)
                 No rest for the Weary... Roland that is ;-) - (screamer) - (1)
                     Wise words O wayward wailer.. - (Ashton)
         My ATT experience - (boxley) - (5)
             This is different, I think. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Dont pay it right away, dispute the SH*T out of it - (boxley) - (1)
                     Verizon sez they can - - (Ashton)
             It's +358 -forty- 57 47 45 eight to my work mobile. HTH! :-) -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 thank you sir will email to several of my accounts -NT - (boxley)

The only time I forgot to breathe I was on LSD, codiene, sangria, and whippets.
42 ms