I feel sorry, it has taken this long.
Maybe they can turn themselves around like they forced IBM to.
Edit: Slippery When Sarcastic!
Sniff.... sniff.
I feel sorry, it has taken this long.
Maybe they can turn themselves around like they forced IBM to. Edit: Slippery When Sarcastic! --
greg@gregfolkert.net PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05 Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C |
Won't happen
As much as I dislike mainframes, I respect them. Now think of every IT director who is locked into IBM who LOVES them. Big blue shops LIKE being blue.
That's a cash cow that isn't going away. Add to that the Linux/Java push that took IBM like a storm 10+ years ago and reworked the company top to bottom, to the benefit of the clients. Add to that the army of software consultants that IBM makes a huge amount of money with, and is constantly setting up vertical silos on their clients. What's MS got? Windows, which is fighting a constant battle on all sides (remember the OS wars graphic from years ago, with battle lines, can't find it now), X-Box, which has zero business use, Exchange, which loses to gmail every time it goes head to head, and Office (word, excel, etc), which WILL be dominant for a few years to come, but is horizontal, and is being chipped away a bit at a time. They've peaked. It's downhill for now on. |
Yes, I'm well aware.
Windows is flat. All sales of nearly everything they have is flat or declining sharply.
Microsoft missed the Mobile/Tablet wave... by going in the wrong direction in a slow heavy sail boat. They aren't even really in the same ocean all the cool and Uncool kids are in. Heck, they built their own ball park and refuse to play in it. Microsoft was lucky with the Internet Wave... they also missed, but caught up mostly. Then, Paul Allen left, Steve Balmer took over and it has been nothing except riding on the inertia. Sure they've had gobs of success... but they've had GOBS and GOBS of failure. You are right, I can see the fork now. It is just a matter of how long it takes for the scavengers to tear it apart, once the cracks start and the wounds don't heal right. I can only imagine the amount of good that might have been if Microsoft hadn't been such a "buy and drown" product killer. They'd be seriously diversified and maybe not quite as strong as they were at their peak, but they'd be much more healthy and robust. Oh well, *MANY* people tried to tell them. --
greg@gregfolkert.net PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05 Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C |
Re: Yes, I'm well aware.
They're pretty well diversified now, but it's not particularly consumer-facing.
El Reg has a story about what they're doing at the back-end. http://www.theregist...ft_might_yet_win/ |
Augmenting that view.. the seeds of its destruction, maybe
(from a link inside) is this 7-1-13 comment on the Whys of the TechNet murder.
which feeds back to this comment in linked article [General topic here? W.T.F. Can 'we' do to hasten the departure of this 100% Greed-driven Troglodyte? For the cheeldrun? And for a joyous Worldwide Festival of Schadenfreude ... bigger than fussball.]
That is now run-up-the-flagpole, by definition. Will. enough. salute. -??- O Interested toilers in the salt-mines of corporate misanthropy (and rm -r hda0.) |
OS Wars graphic..
Yeah, I'd like to see the latest update of that.. very unclear when it faded away and as usual: Google is No Use with a pile of distantly related crap.
If you should find it, please Tell. Schadenfreude feels so Good--Die, Redmond kiddie-PCPorn-buggers. Had I $1 for every hour wasted (even on my minimal demands of a relatively stable W-98) I could get new luggage for my Veyron.. |
I think this was one of othe later ones.
Just Add Story http://justaddstory.wordpress.com/
Was just gonna post that...
greg@gregfolkert.net PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05 Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C |
Thanks.. was looking for 'OS Wars'. Wrong.
Would be fun to see '11, '12', and Now.
Where's Vijay when we Need him? |
It is actually Mshiltonj...
Not Vijay.
If you look at the link I showed, it has the archived versions. --
greg@gregfolkert.net PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05 Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C |
Re: It is actually Mshiltonj...
Ah.. but alas, while they say they might update ... sometime ...
Missing all today 's chances to draw Seppuku symbols / Samurai swords and such: how could they Not-want to go Wild with the forked arrows? Also, like the tornadoes.. methinks that FUD+patent footsie deserve icons. Do I see a contest here? |