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New Speaking of.. 'what's legal' VS what's ethical + Corporate
My 10-10-xxx died one weekend - no doubt Something to do with some M$ software they'd forgotten to cleanse..

Operator suggested, "Well, I can place the call via AT&T". Foolishly I neglected to ask, "and at what cost?" -- merely presuming I would be gouged (as non-subscriber) for $3-5 for my 5\ufffd semi-emergency call.

Bill came:

1 minute (more like 20 seconds) @ $14.38

Wait.. there's more -
Fed excise tax @ $.48
LD-Universal Connectivity Charge @ 1.52

TOTAL for 20 sec call to Ohio: $16.38

Natch I call AT&T. Early levels were actually sympathetic, being Real people; agreed They would be pissed off too! but had no authority to reverse. Natch. After 3 levels of such I reach a guy who asserts, "Hey the PUC says its legal!" I say, [IWETHEY provides such Handy phrases]

"In Murica, slavery was *legal* til quite recently too.. Now, is your charge ethical?"

Etc. (man was speaking with a black-ethnic accent/style BTW) Cackle - no effect. He spoke with Management's Voice - unflinchingly as do the Righteous always. I could see that shiny Suit over my mere black&white non-video phone!

No, they would not correct this charge. No matter the ill will - or the contrast that, they often try to bribe you to join their little abattoir with $40-50 'credit' for signing up.!. No problemo - that this interaction meant that I would next mention the story wherever relevant and add them to the select M$-like Shit list.

I could.. have refused to pay. Nice lady at GTE mentioned that, since it was 'legal' for them to rip me off, the result would be: I would be guaranteed local fone service but NO long distance (not ATT, GTE -Verizon or Anyone). Sewed up - kinda like the RIAA wants everywhere?

So I wonder.. as AT&T (and Earthlink) gobble up all the loose ISPs and cable sources -- reassemble their original monopoly but with Dubya breaking ground for them now -- what level of atrocity would lead to a DOJ breakup of AT&T AGAIN???

(Yes, I jest - This IS Corp-Am. But it's fun to imagine what an actual democracy might do about such Corporate policies.) Imagine; you're on a small island with a few people. You slash an artery. Two folks have equipment but one is out fishing. You ask for a tourniquet. Guy replies, "how much ya got in your wallet, Bub?" That's: AT&T-2002

Aren't "self-correcting market forces" (and a Corp-purchased PUC) just the greatest fiction story yet?

Next stop - PUC. Fruitlessly of course.

PS - anyone noticed quite recently: that virtually ALL the CC companies are raising 'late' charge rates to Draconian levels? and also raising overall interest following some oversight: for (one ex.) SIX MONTHS -- after which, if you are Good, they deign to reduce it to the previous usurious level (while banks pay you 1.5% on "savings").

Obviously too.. this impacts the poor the very most, along with all the less-poor who got axed or otherwise have no simple alternative to running a balance. Ahhh I See. Never mind.

PPS [edit] anyone here happen to have a secret phone # for a Hi(er)-level AT&T Suit? I'd promise never to reveal the source, and I'd be polite in explaining my query and hearing the justification I'm not smart enough to have spotted.
Expand Edited by Missing User 70 May 7, 2002, 05:34:25 PM EDT
New The Market works. But there are special case scenarios.
One scenario is high start-up cost markets.

The "self correcting Market" only looks at the simple markets. Like selling shoes. And it assumes perfect knowledge on the buyer's part.

When it gets into complex markets (ones with network effects or very high start up costs and so on) the simple model breaks.

That's why we need controls on monopolies and such.
New Nice thing those Fed breakups
Really help out the consumers a lot. For that price it would be cheaper to use a pre-paid phone card just in case your 10-10-XXXX number craps out again.

My former law firm employer used to charge employees 50 cents a minute for LD calls not billed to a valid Client and Matter number. Then a contactor they had hired was using our offices when we were out sick or out for the day, and using our phones to make LD calls. Calling up his golf buddies, and charging it to our personal accounts by not entering a client matter number. Needless to say I complained about it, but they decided to not do anything about it because they needed the contractor to finish up the database work.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New And I thought my son's call to Germany was expensive.
One hour call -- $150 or $2.50/minute on MCI Worldcom. I was pissed off over the vanished 5 cent/min Sunday anyway, so, I dropped MCI Worldcom as my long distance carrier and switched to Sprint's on-line billing, auto credit card payment, no monthly fee, 24/7 at 7 cents/min in US plan. MCI called to offer $100 to come back and was told to keep it.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
New I think.. 15\ufffd/min to UK, maybe 22 to Ger. is doable now..
- on those services which still 'compete' -- like good capitalists claim.

I've had very good service at 5\ufffd/min anywhere in US via -811. Only one other time were they down for.. a couple hours, and I was able to reach them on another matter, about as quickly as you can get anyone live at the Too-Big 3. EZ enough to put the prefix onto a button, I find. (When a private Sprint account with a friend lapsed..

I never let local fone Co. sign me up for any of the Biggies - as they are constantly switching rates -- and you Have to call to find out how much you're being charged over the latest best-offer. They will Not tell you, I found. (Verbal promises are meaningless at the phone droids - also a lot of written ones)

I shall now refresh my list to find out what other independents have survived, for next time. Cheap lesson. Eventually I will uncover an ATT exec; some folks I know seem to know (about) everyone. Whether or not I receive a refund is now beside the point - but it will be a pleasure to mention the effect of their arrogant behavior, describe how many Xerox copies of my bill shall make the rounds - and direct him to Slaughterhouse Five for re-viewing at his leisure..

Nobody fucks with Paul Lazzaro!
New Actually, you can do better than that.
$.10/min (at least weekends) to Germany via OPEX/Global Crossing.

(Don't know what their "prime time" rate is, tho...)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Yes
I believe I'm on 8c to England with Verizon
(but there is some flat monthly fee which makes
part of some "plan"......so the true rate is a little
-- William Shatner's Trousers --
New No rest for the Weary... Roland that is ;-)
Pay your damned phone bill and get on with life, oh soothsayer of obscure references... AT&T's stock (and my wife's ex-employer's retirement fund) are in the tank... $14 per share... toilet paper... They've laid off just about every triple digit in their company over the last 7 years, what do you expect?

"We don't have to care, we're the phone company"... Lily Thomlin
Just a few thoughts,


"As people assemble, civilization Is trying to find a new way to die,
But killing is really, merely scene changer,all men are bored, with other men's lives"

"We all know success, when we all find our own dreams
And our love is enough to knock down any walls
And the future's been seen, as men try to realize
The simple secret of the note in us all
in us all"
P. Townshend - Pure and Easy
New Wise words O wayward wailer..
Yeah - true. I reported on the incident only to alert anyone else who might be on the road, dropped cel-fone in a privy and hears on payfone, "Would you like fries with that? "AT&T to place this call for you?"

As I said - cheap lesson! ie Never Assume that, because it's the dregs of a once massive Murican Corporate Entity.. that their rates, though a bit higher - will at least be Honest.

(I knew that - now I Know that fershure)

New My ATT experience
You are wrong to think if you dont pay their bill you cannot get another carrier. I was with AT&T for about 14 yrs when I noticed that a call to Canada that was normally billed at 15cents per minute was now $1.80 a minute. I called and they explained that since I didnt have their new service I would have to pay. While I was protesting the bill I was able to change to verizon smart service, I prepay and get 7cents a minute US 11 cents Canada and 17 cents to Finland for when I find CRC's phone number again. Cost 25 to the local telco to make the change but verizon reimbursed me.
ATT send my bill to collections until I told them I would pay a lawyer 2 thousand dollars rather than pay a penny over 15cents per minute. They adjusted the bill and I paid it.
my 2centavos
New This is different, I think.
See.. you were a member of the ATT Club. Yours was a dispute about a patently sleazy 'charge change' (the std Fone BS game IIRC). I think this means that, you indeed had a court case for their having behaved in a Microsoftian way = the court might well have come to same conclusions as they did re the Original Microsoft's behavior.

But.. my rip-off had to do with a %^*#^@ PUC-SANCTIONED ripoff: for those *not* a member. (ie anyone in an emergency? on-the-road? etc) Since the PUC has jurisdiction over setting max ""legal"" fees and ATT has chosen That value for their Standard rate: I believe I would lose, even if the judge might agree it was a rip-off which any 9 year old could identify. The Majesty of that Nation of Laws / fuck the smaller unfunded people, y'know?

Correct me if I'm missing something.. though I do believe that some org could make this into an impeachment of the PUC / as not acting in the public interest / as obviously whoring around with Fone Suits, etc. But not on my budget, alas.

(Other windmills are apt to have a better tilt-quotient than this Murican Corporate Standard Behavior 2002 IMhO)

Ashton :(
New Dont pay it right away, dispute the SH*T out of it
then negotiate a discount later, offer them 5 bucks for the 20 second call, but in anycase they cannot shut off your long distance to another company.
New Verizon sez they can -
but that is debatable - point is moot as, with "automatic deduction" via bank xfer: payment will go out - there's a 30-day buffer to alter that option; no provisions for emergency like.. Corporate Misbehavior. I have to assume that Verizon is not lying about this part. But the prohibition of using any LD service.?. I think may merely be the ultimate revenge, after a series of no-pays of legitimate bills. As I said - moot just now.

I'll find an Other way to recapture this from AT&T with Interest, in time. My bill is the evidence. Perhaps I will need the Peruvian legislator to explain it to AT&T ...

Nillo illegitimati non carborundum
New It's +358 -forty- 57 47 45 eight to my work mobile. HTH! :-)
New thank you sir will email to several of my accounts
     Speaking of.. 'what's legal' VS what's ethical + Corporate - (Ashton) - (14)
         The Market works. But there are special case scenarios. - (Brandioch)
         Nice thing those Fed breakups - (orion)
         And I thought my son's call to Germany was expensive. - (a6l6e6x) - (5)
             I think.. 15\ufffd/min to UK, maybe 22 to Ger. is doable now.. - (Ashton) - (4)
                 Actually, you can do better than that. - (jb4) - (1)
                     Yes - (Mike)
                 No rest for the Weary... Roland that is ;-) - (screamer) - (1)
                     Wise words O wayward wailer.. - (Ashton)
         My ATT experience - (boxley) - (5)
             This is different, I think. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Dont pay it right away, dispute the SH*T out of it - (boxley) - (1)
                     Verizon sez they can - - (Ashton)
             It's +358 -forty- 57 47 45 eight to my work mobile. HTH! :-) -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 thank you sir will email to several of my accounts -NT - (boxley)

I'll eat my freaking Taco Bell and drink my beer, and I'll do it all in bed, dammit!
60 ms