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New Look for some Flecktones stuff
Banjo-lead electronic funk.

[edit] Good example here: https://www.youtube....tch?v=8fu2s2H-hlc

Expand Edited by drook July 2, 2013, 10:34:47 PM EDT
New The start of another time sink

New Know who'd a grokked-to-fullness ... the tabla player?
and probably taught self how to Do That?


Dick Feynman

Interesting too, that the high register of the banjo sounds a lot like the balalaika.
Anyway, Copland surely would have approved that Hoedown, though possibly left a tad discombobulated.
     Folk Metal Jacket - (pwhysall) - (13)
         No one has ever thought that - (drook) - (12)
             Everything needs more banjo. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (11)
                 I contradict. Because I must. - (Ashton) - (10)
                     Oh, come on. I'll bet you like this. - (mmoffitt) - (9)
                         Sure, Bela Fleck, the *one* exception -NT - (drook) - (3)
                             Too many notes. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                 Re: Too many notes. - (Ashton)
                             You should check his teacher (and mine) out, too. - (mmoffitt)
                         You win. - (Ashton) - (4)
                             Look for some Flecktones stuff - (drook) - (2)
                                 The start of another time sink - (drook)
                                 Know who'd a grokked-to-fullness ... the tabla player? - (Ashton)
                             Glad you enjoyed it. ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt)

If your role can be replaced by Keanu Reeves miming walking into a non-existent wall, then you probably need to go back to waiting tables at the Ground Round--make that the homeless shelter.
56 ms