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New I contradict. Because I must.
(But I shall spare you my Banjo cacophony is a mind-toxin treatise..)
New Oh, come on. I'll bet you like this.
I'm an old hillbilly from the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, so this ain't what I think of when I think of banjo music, but I dare you to say you don't appreciate this: http://www.youtube.c...tch?v=4sYgllgF7lc
Expand Edited by mmoffitt July 1, 2013, 09:52:39 PM EDT
New Sure, Bela Fleck, the *one* exception

Expand Edited by drook July 1, 2013, 11:00:54 PM EDT
New Too many notes.

The mics aren't set up very well here, but the goodness still comes through.


New Re: Too many notes.
Umm, just about exactly the right-amount-of-notes; I mean--y'see he always left room within his constructions
--for a one to let his own imagination generate fugues/other variations, as the listener is moved-->

(Need look no further than Mr. Gould, whose 'shocking' tempo changes and his utterly perfect executions: ushered in a New Way of applying JS's genius [+ One's Own]
and of delighting the audiences. Got to see him Live, in Berkeley, once. Magick.

Rest case.

Concur however that, Mr Townshend (despite apparent age-related vocal limitations) also neutralizes the stereotypical dismissal of..
(maybe not so much the Instrument as:) How, often .?. the composing for it--sucks.)

New You should check his teacher (and mine) out, too.
New You win.
Stand corrected: there Can be a thoroughly satisfying JSB rendition; with the rapid octave jumps executed as well as on any stringed/bowed instrument I recall, the overall performance clearly virtuoso-grade.

OK, that's one.. but proves your Point.
In fact, seeing as how he has mastered several other catchy tunes..
I'd have ordered the CD, 'cept they're BO'd since ... 5/29? Huh.. ??
The Perpetual Motion product is not much matching its very Title!

While Glenn Gould, for me fulfills the very essence of JS's unmatchable legacy, already I prefer Mr. Fleck's renditions to ... any of the various synthesizer versions of some years ago.
Thanks for the tip: (and while I have heard Adler/respect the possibilities of the chromatic versions of this device: please.. No harmonicas. 'k?)

PS: The Russ composer Reinhold Gliére, IIRC composed a Concerto for Balalaika + O. It too was surprising, I thought..
while rife with the dark lugubriousness of some Russ folk songs / I deemed that..
an acceptable mindset for anyone living within times of Stalin + Other psychotic Overlords :-/

She'll be Comin Round the Mountain never sounded like This.
New Look for some Flecktones stuff
Banjo-lead electronic funk.

[edit] Good example here: https://www.youtube....tch?v=8fu2s2H-hlc

Expand Edited by drook July 2, 2013, 10:34:47 PM EDT
New The start of another time sink

New Know who'd a grokked-to-fullness ... the tabla player?
and probably taught self how to Do That?


Dick Feynman

Interesting too, that the high register of the banjo sounds a lot like the balalaika.
Anyway, Copland surely would have approved that Hoedown, though possibly left a tad discombobulated.
New Glad you enjoyed it. ;0)
     Folk Metal Jacket - (pwhysall) - (13)
         No one has ever thought that - (drook) - (12)
             Everything needs more banjo. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (11)
                 I contradict. Because I must. - (Ashton) - (10)
                     Oh, come on. I'll bet you like this. - (mmoffitt) - (9)
                         Sure, Bela Fleck, the *one* exception -NT - (drook) - (3)
                             Too many notes. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                 Re: Too many notes. - (Ashton)
                             You should check his teacher (and mine) out, too. - (mmoffitt)
                         You win. - (Ashton) - (4)
                             Look for some Flecktones stuff - (drook) - (2)
                                 The start of another time sink - (drook)
                                 Know who'd a grokked-to-fullness ... the tabla player? - (Ashton)
                             Glad you enjoyed it. ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt)

I learned much knowledge from this post.
81 ms