Again, proof that you lie.
Here's the link to the post of mine that you referenced.
[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=37395|Just say "prosecute".]
Allow me to quote myself from said post:
"okay" or "legal"?
You will notice that I did not address what the age of consent should be, only that it should apply equally to boys as well as girls.
"okay" or "legal"?
Again, I haven't stated what I feel the age of consent should be, just that it be applied to boys as well as girls.
Another time?
Hmmmm, and here I thought the discussion was about adult/child sex. Yet you're using two 14yo's as an example.
Do you need me to quote it again?
#1. It is about adult/child sex. Not about two 14yo's.
#2. "okay" and "legal" are NOT the same.
#3. I did NOT say that >I< would be traumatized.
One more time?
Again, is there any test or measurement to determine where each individual child is in that continuum?
If not, then setting a "legal" age of consent is up to the society that the child/adult inhabit.
And I'm saying that that age limit should apply to boy and girls.
Now, could you point out where I said that X aged child would be wrong with Y aged adult?
I didn't think so.
The reference "Just say "prosecute"." was in response to your title "Just say no - yeah right!"
Again, you started this thread with a rant about "the state" telling >YOU< what is good for you.
My point was that if the laws were violated, they will be prosecuted.
As I've pointed out, "okay" is not the same as "legal".
You seemed to have a problem, in your initial post, with what was "legal". That being , what the state was telling you was good for you.
So, prosecute what is illegal.
Then I asked you for the criteria under which it would be "okay".
And you retreated into what would be "legal".
And now you've resorted to lies, again.
In my previous post....[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=37719|Whatever.]I asked:
As I said in the beginning, all I'm doing is establishing the criteria you are operating under.
I don't recall ever saying it was "abuse" or "wrong" or anything.
All I've done, so far, is ask you what the criteria you operate under are.
And point out where you contradict your previous statements.
You seem to imply that my post "Just say "Prosecute"." was where I contradict your previous statements or where I said it was "abuse" or "wrong".
Yet, when I read it, it seems to, explicitely, request you to clarify your position.
My only comments are that such criteria apply equally to girls as well as boys.
So, what were you saying?