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New NY Times: 5/20 Oklahoma tornado path, etc.


The conditions that spawn such storms are still out there - keep an eye on it: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/

New Thanks for linky.
New Okay, that one really scared me....
It was heartbreaking, and devastating, and just unbelievable, the size and strength...the poor children, they had to be so scared! And I can't imagine the grief that the parents must feel who lost their children.

And the same storm that spawned that monster tornado hit us last night. Fortunately, no tornadoes here, but lots of wind, so much rain it started to flood St. Charles and other areas, and so much lightning it covered the radar map online.

And more severe weather is expected here today...bracing myself.

Thanks for the link, Scott.

When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
New First-hand report from a resident.


It's going to be a mess for a long time. They're going to need a lot of help to get back on their feet.

New No doubt.
Joplin which was flattened 2 years ago on May 22th, is still rebuilding.


It's one really slow process, and I feel for everyone. It took over a year to rebuild the Ferguson Christian Church in my old neighborhood when the Good Friday Tornado hit St. Louis on April 22, 2011, and I drove past it every week for over a year watching it being torn down and then slowly but surely rebuilt.

Thanks for the link, Scott. No more severe weather here today so far, knock on wood!


When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
Expand Edited by Nightowl May 21, 2013, 06:04:50 PM EDT
     NY Times: 5/20 Oklahoma tornado path, etc. - (Another Scott) - (4)
         Thanks for linky. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Okay, that one really scared me.... - (Nightowl)
         First-hand report from a resident. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             No doubt. - (Nightowl)

The style is new but the pay is the same.
35 ms