Post #374,452
5/1/13 6:59:16 PM

It's not THAT weird
I only had a BB gun at 5, but I got a .22 a year or two later. I wasn't allowed to use the mossberg without my father present until I was in my teens. It was normal there (small Virginia towns) and it probably kept me from taking more crap from the locals than I did. And for the record, I have never had an accident with a firearm or shot at anybody I didn't intend to.
A quick look at the crickett site gives me the impression that they make cheap "trainer" rifles that are throwaway when the kid gets the size to hold a heavier piece. The mossberg I got is still reasonably accurate, has no rust, the lands are clean and defined, and still works like the first time I used it. It's at least 55 years old. I suspect the cricketts aren't good for that. Could be wrong...
Post #374,454
5/1/13 7:45:55 PM

Re: It's not THAT weird
Yeah, the products look OK if you're potting toddlers and squirrels, but for deer or wild boar you'll want something with more stopping power.
Post #374,473
5/2/13 1:48:37 PM

Re: It's not THAT weird
The gun was propped up against a wall, not secured in a safe or at the very least on a rack out of the boy's reach. -> poor decision by the parents.
The parents didn't make sure that the gun was completely unloaded. -> failure by the parents.
The mother was home, but in another room. Where was daddy? -> no supervision.
Mix it all together and you have a tragedy that could have been prevented 100%.
Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous.
- - - Mark Twain ÂPuddÂnhead WilsonÂs New Calendar, 1897
Post #374,474
5/2/13 2:48:03 PM

It was COMPLETELY preventable
My point was that exposing kids to guns is normal enough, at least in some places. It is also normal enough to watch the kid like a hawk when he has access to the gun. The parents were screw ups who let the kid thing a rifle was a toy. That is stupid and irresponsible everywhere.
Post #374,480
5/2/13 3:48:34 PM
5/2/13 3:50:38 PM

Just because something is normal in certain locations does
not mean it is not REALLY stupid.
It is important to some people that their kids learn to shoot at an early age.
Ok, done. It's stupid, and so are those who would grant life and death responsibility to a child. You wanna slap a 22 in their hands in a totally controlled situation for target practice? Fine. You wanna say: This is yours but you can only handle it when I say it is OK? To a 5 year old? They are morons. And if you have any guns in your house that are not locked down (and I really mean locked down, I could get into ANYTHING when I was 5) when a kid is in the house, you are a moron.

Edited by crazy
May 2, 2013, 03:50:38 PM EDT
Post #374,487
5/2/13 5:43:24 PM

get them to kill something, clean it and eat it
will either turn them vegetarian or into a hunter. Either way, reality is starkly realized early on what happens when you pull the trigger.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Post #374,489
5/2/13 8:01:39 PM

You missed the point
So you turned them into a hunter, ie, the goal. So f'n what.
They now have the power of life or death over their siblings, in a blink, and their judgment on the appropriate use of it is NOT there. Lock it up.
Yeah, I know, you always have a few guns ready to grab in the doorway, easy access. Then don't have kids.
Post #374,532
5/3/13 10:09:33 PM

You missed the point
killing something when you are still human renders what you did in sharp reality. It will make you think about mortality and morality even at a young age. Yes, unload it when not in use, lock up the ammo, the cases being smaller are cheaper. By the way, the sandy hook shooter got weapons from a locked up cabinet.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Post #374,534
5/3/13 10:24:07 PM

5 year olds don't have a good sense of reality yet.
If they did, Santa wouldn't be compelling, would he? Young children can't be expected to understand reason and logic the way we expect people in their teens and later to.
On Sandy Hook: If one can believe Wikipedia, he killed his mother before getting her guns to shoot up the school - http://en.wikipedia....shooting#Shooting If they were in a locked cabinet, then he had access to the key.
Post #374,546
5/4/13 9:56:23 AM
5/4/13 9:57:36 AM

sure, but learning that from TV and vid games isn't better
edit adding comment. What is learned isn't logical, its emotional. That sticks a little longer
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep

Edited by boxley
May 4, 2013, 09:57:36 AM EDT
Post #374,737
5/7/13 10:09:20 PM

At the appropriate time.
I know how he felt. I still feel guilty about killing a blue jay with a BB gun as a kid. :-(
Post #374,743
5/7/13 10:49:23 PM

I would have insisted that you eat it as well
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Post #374,744
5/7/13 11:59:51 PM

Well of course.
Post #374,563
5/4/13 4:52:16 PM

A recent study shows that . . .
. . don't understand why one should not step out into traffic until the age of 6.
I see this in the grocery stores all the time - the kids simply do not comprehend the principles of shopping cart traffic.