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New Interesting.. provocative...
(The Great Gate at Kiev theme (early-on) comes out more reminiscent of mid-Eastern bazaar/bizarre?)
Unlike say, Switched-On Bach from Moog days, this is cross-pollination of ... of .. [I know-not the comparo.]

I sorry, but.. the near-uniform sound-level eliminates the composer's (or transliterator's == Ravel) crucial nuance--that of dynamic range.
And I do not get any add-Value via the words applied, given the original's so-very-Russian musical storytelling.

ie being stoned mght make me, initially (until the random squeals) a tad more tolerant, but overall the experience -for me- is more akin to the time..
I had to sit part-of-the-way through that endless-piano-noodler guy, Chick Corea [sp?]
(For me: he was far more guilty of that iconic too-many-Notes! quip by the Regent, in Amadeus.
Actually: Too fucking!-Many meaningless notes == 'bar pianist noodlings' writ Large.)
Anger.. is not a viable 'accompaniment' to a musical experience, ever!

My style: once, with some decent rotgut + blue-flake, was listening with a friend to a Bach Invention.
He turned to me at end of a slow progression through numerous key-changes, ^always ascending^ / never Resolved! ... said,

Says, ..y'know, I think this is JS's definition of Infinity!
And.. It Was.

Guess I just can't mix Groucho-zany with M u s i c.
(And may have become terminally innoculated-against any pleasure from what a transistorized guitar can be made to 'sound-like'. Y'know?)
I try to Live here, but refuse to be assimilated.. into chaos-kultur.
New And, if the Ravel orchestration doesn't do it for you . . .
. . Sir Henry Woods (founder of the Proms concerts) did a rather wild job of it a few years previous to the Ravel. Dynamic range? Yes, we have dynamic range!
New Thanks for the tip..
Alas, I have [yet..] precious little access to the (known-of, never mind those unknown Unknowns) vast small-collections of memorable performances extant.

HAL-9000 prompted me (then) to fantasize .. WHAT. IF. a one could call-up! from the vast reservoir of ever-saved recordings
(on down to: lucky amateurs present with a Uher Report-L with full batteries!!) WHENEVER one WANTS [???}

SANS: the entire conspiracy to keep everyone Dumb as The Regulators, under the guise of 'paying the artist==poorly'
{same exasperating deal re. med., chem., or now even bloody-PHYSICS current info.}
And especially SANS: the hideous amount of sleuthing, dbase creation, translating of audio formats to get beyond ...
the TRULY-SHITTY mp3-WorldPlague of originally-Crap Sounds on Crap-Lo-Fi.

DIE M-fucking-P3

Yeah, nevah hoppen. But with some $Ms, maybe a close second might be achieved: it would pay decent wages to the army of collectors/sleuths/processors needed.
Just for a start at conservation (we are likely not to be around for that posterity-thing, anyway, given mind-sets du jour.)

Meanwhile, the brain's near-total recall of some Fortunate Live events: still beats even a rack-full of Marantz-9s and all the absurd-$ Tags on the new
Hi-End-for-Suckers mailing lists, I wot.

(Do need to get transliterated -- for car player) the rare exc.-condition LP-set of Beecham / BBC Chorus / Columbia Masterworks: 'First Complete Recording' M2L-245 of

Music by Robert Schumann ... Text by Lord Byron

(Sent the specs to Dan Reck, way-back; dunno if he ever snared a copy; 'what's an LP, anyway?', Sir.)
One immortal masterpiece-at-a-time remains my realizable-motto.
May (your own version) live long & prosper, too!
     "Be prepared to be surprised" - (Andrew Grygus) - (28)
         The problem with piano... - (malraux) - (20)
             Unfortunately, it takes more than practice. - (Andrew Grygus) - (15)
                 Exactly. - (malraux) - (14)
                     So how'd he do? - (drook) - (7)
                         Didn't place, and wasn't expected to - (malraux) - (6)
                             Probably a blessing in disguise. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                 Precisely - (malraux)
                             Good choice - (crazy) - (3)
                                 Mental image of Crazy in a tutu -NT - (drook) - (2)
                                     too early, my first thought was mumu, could see that - (boxley)
                                     Sorry - (crazy)
                     Tiger Moms - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                         Well.. The Maharishi (Mahesh Yogi) did visit LB er, L - (Ashton)
                     Competitions - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                         Love.It.. the power of Words over BS of any stripe. -NT - (Ashton)
                         Excellent -NT - (malraux)
                         Wikipedia knows all. :-) Ivo Pogoreli is the guy. - (Another Scott)
             The problem with competitive piano... - (TB D) - (3)
                 My son thinks it's fun to play for judges - (malraux)
                 Second your First! - (Ashton)
                 Re: The problem with competitive piano... - (Nightowl)
         Link to music - (crazy) - (6)
             Thanks.. and ... *Bravaaa* to this new Maestra! - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Speaking of Pictures at an Exhibition - (crazy) - (4)
                     Interesting.. provocative... - (Ashton) - (2)
                         And, if the Ravel orchestration doesn't do it for you . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                             Thanks for the tip.. - (Ashton)
                     If this mixes well with your chemical peak . . . - (Andrew Grygus)

Must be what keeps your hair up.
133 ms