and I appointed Self his escort: the guy had a BS (at least..) in physics!
As we walked under the (injector) Linac, I asked how he thought these physics machines fit-into 'things'..
Don't recall his answer/either inscrutable or ... unmemorable in any case.
At end of tour, he gave me a red rose (evoking awwws/or Ah!s {{couldn't tell}} from his cortege of young students of the esoteric Arts.

But at least these experimenting-yout were Alive, then: alive-enough to see how disgusting was the entire Vietnam matter,
from the bogus gunboat episode invented by LBJ.. until 4-26-2013. They and I marched, in addition to other agitations.
Now NOBODY ..much does more than natter about the dismantling of civil and other liberties / the criminal bankers and yada.

Lotta stuff has flowed down the river since that Inflection Point [mid-1968] when the RFK assassination left us all to the tender mercies of RMN.
Who, asssuredly never heard of.. Æschylus, upon encountering RFK's monumental impromptu comments at a gathering: on the evening of MLK's assassination ... ...
The Negative Slope of Murica's "prospects" remains on-track [-], apparently asymptotic to -[1/0] if probability is linked to any facts since. :-/

Tiger Momism also harks back to Momism

..If anyone still recalls Wylie, in the TMI Age. I was apprised of his treatise(s) during post-HS summer, spent in Lewiston, ID (right across river from Clarkston [!] WA)
Wylie was triple-distilled vitriolic. Loved It.
Introduced by a then-thoroughly disenchanted /but laudably educated demi-manager in a local store.
(was pleased to notice that My mother shared none of these character defects--as in {{whew..}}
Momism.. it ain't Gone Away.