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New drl's reply
"Eleven dimensions - gimme a break!
That's not physics - it's all just a fake
The world consists of spacetime and matter
Those string theory dudes are as mad as a hatter
And all this talk about cats and their fate
Is just so much bullshit that's come down of late
From a bully named Feynman who projected his ignorance
On those who know better than simplistic figurance
Some people DO know that the quauntum is logical
If somewhat chimeric, and not analogical
To baseballs and bunnies and things of the world
Outside of the atom where odd things unfurl.
The fate of the cat has nothing to do
With the motion of electrons and photons and mu's
There's more in the world than Horatio could see
So one should be silent, and just let things be."
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New Ass kicken'
New My thought was not meant to create some rage
We're actually quite on the very same page
Those who have tortured in fields of the lured
Sent math on an errand some fools have conjured
(Erwin and Max and the rest of the best
Made jokes so that lessers might see in that test)
Just how silly can physics be made willy-nilly
If all that you seek is some unified dilly
Gödel and Pauli and Max gave us clues
That we use against folly (no more than a ruse)
(That it's no use to prepend our physics with meta-
If that is your aim now--you'll have to do betta)

Sorry my send-up was taken for gospel
A <satire> tag seemed just too much a tell
(Sometimes ya just must be fey
When looking at Physics Today)

Oi Vey
     poetry courtesy of drl - (boxley) - (6)
         Excellent! Where's he posting? -NT - (hnick) - (1)
             FB -NT - (boxley)
         While the problem's a poser, no doubt about that - (Ashton) - (3)
             drl's reply - (boxley) - (2)
                 Ass kicken' -NT - (crazy)
                 My thought was not meant to create some rage - (Ashton)

At the tone, please leave a message. *beep*
34 ms