...an acronym?!?
PRoductivity From Information Technology (PROFIT)[*]
No, that's actually "PRFIT".

It should of course be, "PROductivity From Information Technology (PROFIT)".

I'll let "Inbestigator" slide -- I do that typo myself, all too often, what with 'v' and 'b' being next to each other on the keyboard (See? VB even causes typos! ;^) -- but he's still a fuckwit just for getting his silly retrofitted acronym wrong, if nothing else (which, though, there is).

[*]: Since zIWT/Zope won't allow changing the font colour, I can't reproduce the effect he so painstakingly -- and incorrectly -- applied to the words on his own page; his clumsiness sure stands out even more when the capitals are coloured bright red.