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New Charlie Pierce on 'The Butcher's Bill' (..for Iraq)

It's almost hard even to get angry any more.
Ten years and $60 billion in American taxpayer funds later, Iraq is still so unstable and broken that even its leaders question whether U.S. efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation were worth the cost. In his final report to Congress, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen's conclusion was all too clear:

Since the invasion a decade ago this month, the U.S. has spent too much money in Iraq for too few results. The reconstruction effort "grew to a size much larger than was ever anticipated," Bowen told The Associated Press in a preview of his last audit of U.S. funds spent in Iraq, to be released Wednesday. "Not enough was accomplished for the size of the funds expended."

This is the one event on which the country's chronic historical amnesia cannot be allowed to bring itself into play. The country was lied into a war by a raft of criminals, greedheads, and geopolitical fantasts. These latter were enabled by a cowardly political opposition and a largely supine elite press. Hans Blix was right. Paul Wolfowitz was wrong. Robert Fisk was right. David Frum was wrong. The McClatchy guys were right. The late Tim Russert was wrong. Eric Shinseki was right, and Anthony Zinni was right, and Joe Wilson was right, and George Packer, Michael O'Hanlon, and Richard Perle were all wrong. George H.W. Bush was right (in 1989) and his useless son was stupid and wrong. There is no absolution available to any of the people who helped the country down into this epic political and military disaster no matter how lachrymose their apologies or how slick their arguments.

[. . .]

(That minuscule "$60B" comes from ABC News and, even categorized as "reconstruction grants" --clearly is a pittance re Overall Cost, as we bloody-well Know.
Some appropriate sentiments from CP re. the major perps.
Not that the evilest shall ever spend a day in Solitary.

New A dubious Ten Year Anniversary
"Last week the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University released a new set of estimates. The numbers are summarized on the web site of the institute’s Cost of War project and detailed in a paper by Professor Neta C. Crawford. The institute’s estimate of the total cost of the two wars now comes to just under $4 trillion.

It wasn’t supposed to cost so much"


Here's NPR on the plight of veterans seeking treatment (32 min)


And so it goes. Some ten year olds (5th graders) have known nothing but war.
Expand Edited by dmcarls March 19, 2013, 09:16:58 PM EDT
New UK *IS* opening that Entire Can of Diseased Worms. 'Bless'
their Democratic un-Stupid Selves!
Seems, simply that: the MAGNITUDE of this Quagmire defies any 'collection of the Things on That List.'

UK (ever a quite more civilized country than BananaTown) has just recently embarked upon a *REAL* investigation to be followed by:
attempting to fit Some Sorts of punishments to the Perps' egos + hubristic-Errors Made.
[once formally Recognized, of course: they are civilized ... a word unfamiliar to untutored US Hottentots.]

As for here: I have slim hopes; will settle for only a tiny Victory:
That the Entire Mess emanated from [what shall forever be Known, Universally as]
The Cheney Shogunate ©Rand
     Charlie Pierce on 'The Butcher's Bill' (..for Iraq) - (Ashton) - (2)
         A dubious Ten Year Anniversary - (dmcarls) - (1)
             UK *IS* opening that Entire Can of Diseased Worms. 'Bless' - (Ashton)

Not straight enough to make a perfect structure.
36 ms