Focussing upon the wild-ass possibility of Mad President X getting even with his own personal High School Bully: simply distracts.
[apparently today a reeel-common phenom, that bullying thing: goes with the general meme of Violence everywhere?]
What about a bloody Majority of the place, millions of whom are daily menaced by the easy, sub-rosa, cheap Guns.. now in every teen-age gang, and on up?
Congress / The Executive / The Courts--merely the usual suspects and easy to blame (why's there no Law against [this Bad thing?]
But we have made the bed we lie in, over decades of surrendering to Gun Nuts USA--still a small minority/no-where a plurality:
via a highly biased non-reading of that 2nd Amendment. We have agreed to look away as it is interpreted by thousands-with-small weinies:
Who Feel Better About Themselves ..even when nobody-else Feels Good about Them? IF we let them buy any fucking cannon imaginable.
So.. WHO's To --> BLAME!?
Walt Kelly knew: We have met the enemy and it is US
Akin: $245 BILLIONS last year! to treat 'diabetes'--much of which appears to devolve from the Murican Three of ez-fast-not-cheap 'food': Sugar/Salt/Grease
So.. WHO's To --> BLAME!?
Sucks to be 'US'