Point of Personal Privilege,
I well recall the exhilaration of riding on bottom step of SF Cable Cars, as a tad (make that: when Home, from school--and as early as, a 10-11 yo tad!)
I would match the 'adults' who, Certain of their perfect dexterity, would--as car slowed for sharp curves after climbing the steep hills, s l o w for the turn
--and jump off, in-motion, to save a few steps before first 'Stop'. As in, heh.. heh.. I. So. Kewl.
(I wasn't Supposed to "ride on the bottom step" as a 'child', but--w.t.f. was Enforcing That?)
I Still Here. So I guess my "manual DexterityÂ" must have been precocious enough. Eh?
(Prolly prepared me for survival, later, of Vincent Black Shadows at 120 clicks, I wot.)