When the greed/corruption has become so entrenched,
while pervasive Murican gullibility causes much of the vox-pop to imagine that 'private funding' of FOR-PROFIT "medical care":
could possibly compare with all those Other Rich Nations' single-payer plans?!
I submit that this evidence of the State-of-the-Nation is, simply: terminal. We've become inured to Lying!
You cannot 'argue' with those afflicted with various 'Certainties'--in religion + political dogma--because such persons are
pervicacious =="very obstinate, willful, refractory" (per Merriam's not-free dict.)
It seems clear that the, My Grammas/marlowes + Gerrymandered excesses guarantee that KnowNothingism, in Murica: Has Won.
Simply: because words are murdered daily--and hardly anyone cares--debate is dead.
Various gurus, past and present, have described what the result of such a debacle would be:
Confucius was asked what should be done, were it left to him to govern the country.
It would certainly be to correct language, he replied.
His listeners were surprised, "surely", they said, "this has nothing to do with the matter. Why should language be correct?"
The Master's answer was,
If language is not correct, then what is said is not meant; if what is said is not meant, then what ought to be done remains undone;
if this remains undone morals and arts will deteriorate; if morals and arts deteriorate justice will go astray;
if justice goes astray the people will stand about in helpless confusion.
Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.