Post #370,951
2/6/13 6:24:28 PM

Didn't say there was anything wrong with it.
Yamamoto was clearly an enemy combatant in a war zone in a military aircraft. Sucks to be him. It was unusual to specifically target flag grade officers, but if they were accidentally caught up in affairs, as it were, too bad. There were complaints that they knew specifically who, where, and when, and shouldn't necessarily have popped him. Too bad. OBL nominated himself as a target VERY deliberately. I'd give that a pass just to shut him up.
We live in a culture of death unless you're a zygote. We aren't going to get rid of death. We used to have a constitution that guaranteed certain rights, including not being killed out of hand by cranky bureaucrats or bored operatives. I'd like to see some of the thuggery of our political overlords reigned in a really considerable amount.
Meh... I'm probably just getting old and ornery. They say it beats the alternative. They won't say who told them.
Post #371,021
2/7/13 3:32:48 PM

Re: Yamamoto
Yamamoto had a fetish for punctuality that was his downfall. The message with his itinerary was decrypted and flight schedules were known. His flight passed barely within flight range of US fighter planes. There was no more than 10-15 minutes available to the fighters to locate Yamamoto's plane before they had to return home.
There's a nice write up of the incident in the "Codebreakers" by Davis Khan. I read it in the mid 1960s.
Post #371,063
2/8/13 12:47:42 AM

The Japanese had a lot of structural problems.
One of those problems is they could not get their new code books out on time. This meant that once the Americans broke a code book, it was quite a while before they needed to break a new one.
Doing a major operation on an old code book was disastrous at Midway - the Americans knew the timing of the operation and positions of the ships.
I seem to recall this was a factor in Yamamoto's being shot down.
The Germans had told the Japanese "Purple" had been broken early in the war, but they considered that a false story. Americans just weren't smart enough to do that, so the code books weren't a high priority.
No Purple machine survived, they all being ground to sand size, but a small section of one was found in Germany. Interestingly, in trying to build an imitation, the Americans had selected the same telephone switch used by the Japanese.
It is possible there is one on Musashi, sister ship to Yamato, that could be within reach (expensively).
Post #371,091
2/8/13 4:19:02 PM

Excellent book.. herewith an interesting 'review'
Pix of many mentioned in the book: mouse-over each pic!
Post #371,093
2/8/13 4:50:20 PM

The bibliography would make a book on its own.
Post #371,112
2/9/13 12:24:12 AM

Very nice find! Thanks.
Post #372,278
3/7/13 7:11:50 PM

Our 'culture of death'
Focussing upon the wild-ass possibility of Mad President X getting even with his own personal High School Bully: simply distracts.
[apparently today a reeel-common phenom, that bullying thing: goes with the general meme of Violence everywhere?]
What about a bloody Majority of the place, millions of whom are daily menaced by the easy, sub-rosa, cheap Guns.. now in every teen-age gang, and on up?
Congress / The Executive / The Courts--merely the usual suspects and easy to blame (why's there no Law against [this Bad thing?]
But we have made the bed we lie in, over decades of surrendering to Gun Nuts USA--still a small minority/no-where a plurality:
via a highly biased non-reading of that 2nd Amendment. We have agreed to look away as it is interpreted by thousands-with-small weinies:
Who Feel Better About Themselves ..even when nobody-else Feels Good about Them? IF we let them buy any fucking cannon imaginable.
So.. WHO's To --> BLAME!?
Walt Kelly knew: We have met the enemy and it is US
Akin: $245 BILLIONS last year! to treat 'diabetes'--much of which appears to devolve from the Murican Three of ez-fast-not-cheap 'food': Sugar/Salt/Grease
So.. WHO's To --> BLAME!?
Sucks to be 'US'
Post #372,279
3/7/13 7:45:11 PM

Grease doesn't contribute to diabetes.
Post #372,283
3/7/13 9:43:29 PM

Re: Re: Nit
Grease doesn't contribute to diabetes. It does when its in combo of adding on pounds that exacerbates the diabetes, making it far worse...
That is partially why losing weight is so important in type 2 diabetes.
PGP key 1024D/B524687C 2003-08-05
Fingerprint: E1D3 E3D7 5850 957E FED0 2B3A ED66 6971 B524 687C
Post #372,293
3/8/13 8:44:42 AM

Wrong cause/effect
Metabolic syndrome causes both weight gain and diabetes. They are both effects with a common cause.
Which is why most of the things that fix one tend to fix the other.