
The May 2002 issue of the VOICE Newsletter is now online at

In this month's issue you will find:

- The Editors of VOICE speak out:
Oh how I long for the perfect printer driver.
- BackAgain/2000 Server Edition version 3.0 - A Review, Part II ,
By: Walter Metcalf
- Why do I continue to use OS/2?, By: Don Eitner
- Build your own version of OS/2 with UpdCD, By: Zsolt Kadar
- Pegasus email client running under ODIN, By: Vaughn Bender
- A chance for eComStation or The OS/2 community needs a jolt,
By: Eric Baerwaldt
And of course the VOICE OS/2 Tips, letters and the compiled monthly
OS/2 news!

The Newsletter is available as:
online HTML, <[link||http://www.os2voice...2H/start.htm]>
downloadable HTML <[link||]>
downloadable OS/2 INF format <[link||]>.
online HTML, <[link||http://de.os2voice....2H/start.htm]>
downloadable HTML <[link||]>
downloadable OS/2 INF format <[link||]>.

The VOICE Editors would like to thank everyone who made this issue of the
VOICE Newsletter possible. We couldn't do it without your help. :-)
This includes our writers, editors and translators. Without them there'd
be no VOICE Newsletter. Please consider writing an article for the
Newsletter. The Guidelines for Article Submissions to the VOICE
Newsletter - <[link||http://www.os2voice...mission.html]>. The
German version is at <[link||http://de.os2voice....mission.html]>


From the Desk of: Mark Dodel,
Editor, VOICE Newsletter

For a VOICE in the future of OS/2
please check out [link||]
