may well be due to the ascent of that oxymoron, "bizness ethics", pioneered in our time by Billy n'Bally.

So while the above er 'contradictions' regarding the expected actions of "friends / allies / co-combatants" in war (or not-quite-yet-war) times have always been with us:

Seems to me that the general slothfulness we see today marks a new low, the infection of (most all) National ergo International behavior - as if a Nation were an IT Bizness run by drop-out barbarians, uncivilized by the socialization process.

These may be the final symptoms of the Corporatizing of the world, making redundant - surely obsolescent - even a pretense of humane considerations for those unfortunate individuals who have committed the Large$t crime of capitalist theory:

being / remaining poor.

Naturally the Spin begins \ufffd here. BS-speak has replaced all semblance of social intercourse, from the UN on down to Walmart (recently caught in the South-US: paying black workers ~ $5.10/hr less than white workers. And when called on it - fought back with threatened arrest of peaceful demonstrators.. til local public opinion / notoriety forced capitulation). But that was at just One Walmart... You have to deal with it One at a Time.

And so it goes -
