No, I ALWAYS say people should wait for adulthood
I know it has a variety of effects that are NOT desired, and people need to balance what they use it for. And the hormonal affects can fuck up young adults directly.
Continuously stating a position that is not mine as if it was mine really does you no good.
My point is there is a certain portion of the population that should not use it because they are going to crack sooner or later, and THC will trigger them to crack sooner. The fact it triggers THEM to crack sooner is not a reason to prohibit it for everyone else.
Anything else you need me to clarify?
And moving on to ACUTE anti-inflammatory/pain killer:
The boy (25) has mono. Doctor test confirmed. It's killing him. Or at least he wishes he would die. Throat inflamed, tough to swallow.
No opiates handy, high dose ibuprofen does nothing, and he can't smoke anything with his throat like this, even via a vaporizer.
Had not eaten (starving) or slept (too much pain and STARVING) in 2 days.
Take 1 gram of cannabis oil extract ($30) in a small jar. Put 20 dropperfuls of glycerin (20 cents) in (absorbs THC, delivers to body via sublingual and regular digestion, no harsh alcohol tincture).
Warm on stove, shake the hell out of it.
Here: Take 2 dropperfuls, wait one hour, tell me how you feel.
An hour later he was quiet in his room. I did not bother him. 4 hours later he was back on the couch, a bit whiny, eating.
So: How'd it work?
Him: I dunno, I was asleep.
me: (smile)