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New I could be reading too much into this
In today's NYT:
GENOA, Ill. — Jim Harris expected vandalism, angry calls, maybe even a violent attack.

Outside his old farmhouse, he had erected an upside-down American flag, a military signal of dire distress, and scrawled two big signs deploring President Obama’s re-election: “No Hope” and “Enslaved by the 47 Percent.”

He figured the display would incite some passers-by on his country road here in the cornfields of DeKalb County…


He said he planned to leave his upside-down flag hanging for the next four years. “In fact, I’m planning to get a bigger one,” he said.

But so far, it has not been the lightning rod he anticipated. The flag has elicited an exasperated shrug from his eldest daughter, Ashley, 25, he said, but not much else.

Does anyone else get the sense that the guy was kinda hoping he'd have the opportunity to assert his god-given rights of self-defense under the Second Amendment had some "taker" bent on vandalism or a "violent attack" been incautious enough to trespass? Poor fellow. Maybe the bigger flag will do the trick.

New Possibly.
He sounds to me like another querulous ignored internet troll.
"I tried SO hard to make people mad and nobody even noticed! Whats WRONG with your people!?"
That sort of thing.
New naw
He figured the display would incite some passers-by on his country road here in the cornfields of DeKalb County
the only passerby's are the neighbors and they already know he's an assclown
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 57 years. meep
New Projection is very common.
E.g. "If my ancestors were held in bondage for hundreds of years, you can be sure that I would avenge them if I ever had the opportunity for power..."

It's very hard for people to step into the shoes of others without carrying their baggage, too.


     I could be reading too much into this - (rcareaga) - (3)
         Possibly. - (hnick)
         naw - (boxley)
         Projection is very common. - (Another Scott)

There will be no disappointment.
60 ms