because they may not get my sense of humor, even if it is a sixth sense. I fear they would treat me like I was Andy Kaufman or someone like him.

I am still searching for a job, it is hard to even get an interview these days. I imagine they are overworking whatever IT staff that hasn't been laid off yet.

Writing, I already have the Orion Blastar personality. I figure I write an autobiography on him and his Traveller adventures, and use OB as a pen name. Then post a few chapters to the Internet and see who likes it. I'll start with his teenage years "I was a teenage space pirate" or some other catchy title. Like how he got into the pirates, how he worked his way up, and the stuff that happened to him. Granted when I played the character he was 56 and had a lot of dice rolls to get skills, and other stuff, but I can invent his background before he became 56. So far it is all in my head, without being written down. I muse around about it between job searches and checking email. I am sitll doing my homework on that, but thought instead of going out, have them come to me. I thought I'd do a Space Comedy/Parody, that way I won't have to worry about copyrights being violated when someone shoots a laser or whatever (Hey that laser shot loks like "Star Wars" or whatever). The last great space comedy was "Space Balls", the next one could be "Jason X"? :)

The programs are put on hold, I wrote down my ideas on a notebook (Not a computer notebook, the paper kind) and have been working with them. Basically small to mid size business helper programs for day to day activities.