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New Not going to do that
as I am not a sex offender. My depression gets rid of most of my sexual urges, and I stay faithful to my wife for the rest.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New If your 'sense of humour' emerges in this fashion
during a job interview, well - - -

How goes the plot-writing for Hollywood style B- Sci Fi? (Yes you would have to do your homework re where to send the stuff, what persona.. to invent, to make yourself 'interesting' to such as look for new talent. Etc. But then: everyone does have to do this stuff, you do realize (?))

How goes your search for Other than having perpetually, 'a code in your head'?

Could this be Nature's Way of leading you to --> your True-Calling\ufffd ??

Ashton-Westinghouse Tom Terrific Science Talent Search Ltd.
New I try not to use my sense of humor in a job interview
because they may not get my sense of humor, even if it is a sixth sense. I fear they would treat me like I was Andy Kaufman or someone like him.

I am still searching for a job, it is hard to even get an interview these days. I imagine they are overworking whatever IT staff that hasn't been laid off yet.

Writing, I already have the Orion Blastar personality. I figure I write an autobiography on him and his Traveller adventures, and use OB as a pen name. Then post a few chapters to the Internet and see who likes it. I'll start with his teenage years "I was a teenage space pirate" or some other catchy title. Like how he got into the pirates, how he worked his way up, and the stuff that happened to him. Granted when I played the character he was 56 and had a lot of dice rolls to get skills, and other stuff, but I can invent his background before he became 56. So far it is all in my head, without being written down. I muse around about it between job searches and checking email. I am sitll doing my homework on that, but thought instead of going out, have them come to me. I thought I'd do a Space Comedy/Parody, that way I won't have to worry about copyrights being violated when someone shoots a laser or whatever (Hey that laser shot loks like "Star Wars" or whatever). The last great space comedy was "Space Balls", the next one could be "Jason X"? :)

The programs are put on hold, I wrote down my ideas on a notebook (Not a computer notebook, the paper kind) and have been working with them. Basically small to mid size business helper programs for day to day activities.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     IT Job Blues - (orion) - (4)
         The obvious suggestion.... - (kmself) - (3)
             Not going to do that - (orion) - (2)
                 If your 'sense of humour' emerges in this fashion - (Ashton) - (1)
                     I try not to use my sense of humor in a job interview - (orion)

It would be good if people could help with the swift opening of bags that are wiggling and/or noisy.
33 ms