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New Human rights violations
[link|http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0426/p06s02-wome.html|Isreali army uses Palestinians as bomb detectors]

Actually it's the last paragraph that angers me the most.

That soldiers in the field would grap Palestinians and use them to go search for bombs is horrifing but understandable. The soldiers are just trying not to die.

That somebody in the Likud would try to justify it is bordering on the inhuman.

New But they're the ideal bomb detectors
Remember, they already know where the bombs are. They put them there.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New They are human beings.
It's already been established that you have a problem dealing with anyone who disagrees with your viewpoint.

The phrase you're looking for is "war crime".
New ...with a death wish.
If they want to die, why not oblige them?

Or, if they want simply to point out where they put the bombs, saving everybody a lot of fuss, I'm fine with that too. It's their choice.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Dictionaries and you just don't mix.
If they want to die, why not oblige them?
And who says they want to die?

Or, if they want simply to point out where they put the bombs, saving everybody a lot of fuss, I'm fine with that too. It's their choice.
And what happens if they do NOT cooperate?

What if they just sit down and refuse to move?

For everyone who IS capable of reasoned thought, look at the situation like this.

You've planted a bomb.
The enemy wants you to show them where the bomb is.
If you don't show them, they want you to go ahead of them.

Knowing that only YOU will die if you set the bomb off, what do you do?

#1. Show them where the bomb is?

#2. Blow yourself up with the bomb?

#3. Sit down and don't cooperate with the enemy and let him find the bomb on his own.

Now, let's alter that situation a bit.

You did NOT set the bomb. You do NOT know where it is or even if there IS a bomb.

You are captured.

The enemy wants you to walk ahead of them to find bombs.

#1. You walk ahead of them and possibly set off the bombs?

#2. You sit down and don't cooperate with the enemy and let him find the bombs on his own?

Again, the answer SEEMS obvious.

Now, is there ANYONE (aside from Marlowe) out there who would NOT sit down and refuse to cooperate?


Now, think about what the enemy would have to say to make you get up and start checking for bombs.

Or did you think that the prisoners VOLUNTEERED to search for them?

Then you'll see why the UN is so interested in investigating the Israeli actions.
New No, let's *not* alter the situation a bit.
Let's say goodbye to planet Brandioch, and face the facts that they do want to die and get their six dozen babes, and that they did plant the bombs.

If they want to sit and not cooperate, shoot `em. That's perfectly fair, so long as the consequences of their various options are explained in advance. Don't shed any tears for them. They're the ones that made all this trouble. I'd rather shed tears for the human beings they've been killing.

So we don't get their help in finding the bombs. Fine. That's no loss. That's a breakeven. After all, we didn't have their cooperation to begin with, or any other hope of gaining it. In fact, there's no possible scanario in which we come out the losers here. We either win, finding the bombs, or we break even.

You really should leave this logic stuff to those of us who know our way around it.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New So, to you, Palestinian == Terrorist,
..for all values of Palestinian?

Boy, you are shallow...
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Show me a verifiable exception.
Even the women and children are wearing the belts.

I think we can give the Israelis the benefit of the doubt, that they are choosing only those caught in the act of combat or terrorist preparations for their minesweeps. But even if they were to choose at random, all evidence is they couldn't go far wrong.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Guilty until proven innocent.
They're Palestinians.

It's up to THEM to prove they aren't terrorists. Or fighters.

Reasonable doubt is still enough reason to give them the choice of execution or bomb detector.

Besides, they have a death wish. They were born Palestinian.
New Slam dunk!
If they want to sit and not cooperate, shoot `em.
Thank you for insight.

Shooting prisoners is NOT generally considered a "good" thing to do.

Shooting civilians is NOT generally considered a "good" thing to do.

That's perfectly fair, so long as the consequences of their various options are explained in advance.
"Fair" to you.

But it's already been established that you have trouble with the concept of "enemies" being "human".

If they've had the gall to believe differently than YOU, then they deserve to die.

And we might as well get some use out of them before they die, right?

Don't shed any tears for them. They're the ones that made all this trouble. I'd rather shed tears for the human beings they've been killing.
Ah, once again, the assumption of guilt.

Well, that's understandable. After all, they ARE the enemy. They do NOT believe as you do.

With that thought process, if YOU had been born a Palestinian, you'd have been dancing in the streets after the WTC attack.

Or if you had been born in Afghanistan.

Or Saudi Arabia.

It is the thought process that is the problem.

Not the nationality or religion or ethnicity of the person.

The belief that the "others" are less than human and deserving of anything you can do to them.

So we don't get their help in finding the bombs. Fine. That's no loss. That's a breakeven.
The same "logic" of the suicide bomber.

You really should leave this logic stuff to those of us who know our way around it.
Executing prisoners because they will not risk their lives for their captors?

Now, where have I seen that policy before?

Chairman Mao?


Yes, I see who you mean by "us who know our way around it".

Although I do find it strange that you claim to be so pro-US, but advocate the exact same activities that we regard as "evil" in our enemies.

And "death wish" does not apply when you are taking the one option that might result in you NOT getting killed.

But "definitions" are as incomprehensible to you as "logic" is.
New On planet Brandioch, the home team always wins.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New But, needed to have mentioned Adolf Eichmann as well.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
New Good point.
Another adherent of the "work them until they die" school of thought.

Just like Marlowe.

Although he did have his extremist viewpoint.

Gassing Jews doesn't contribute to the war effort. Although the cost can be somewhat mitigated by rendering down their bodies for soap.

The labour camps were a far more "logical" approach. Capture the enemy and force him/her to work. If s/he died during the process, oh well.

I also left out the Japanese "medical research" projects using prisoners as subjects.

After all, they MUST have had a death wish. They were fighting the Japanese. So they're being given their wish.

Okay, for everyone who DOESN'T understand yet...........

When you take a morally superior position, you give up certain options.

Even if it costs you lives or money or the war.

You cannot have a higher morallity than the enemy and still employ the same tactics the enemy does.
New understandable but wrong,
Scorched earth and and complete destruction of any objects is not acceptable either. While I admire the humanity of it, using civvies to open doors in their own house is wrong in a civilized war, unfortunately, this war is neither civilized or wrong. 2 many rights involved.
     Human rights violations - (JayMehaffey) - (13)
         But they're the ideal bomb detectors - (marlowe) - (11)
             They are human beings. - (Brandioch) - (10)
                 ...with a death wish. - (marlowe) - (9)
                     Dictionaries and you just don't mix. - (Brandioch) - (8)
                         No, let's *not* alter the situation a bit. - (marlowe) - (7)
                             So, to you, Palestinian == Terrorist, - (jb4) - (2)
                                 Show me a verifiable exception. - (marlowe) - (1)
                                     Guilty until proven innocent. - (Brandioch)
                             Slam dunk! - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                 On planet Brandioch, the home team always wins. -NT - (marlowe)
                                 But, needed to have mentioned Adolf Eichmann as well. -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                     Good point. - (Brandioch)
         understandable but wrong, - (boxley)

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
99 ms