IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New So then.. if 'we' confiscated ALL of the Gun-nuts' toys;
strapped them per diagram, then loaded shifts of Irate Deprived-Gun-Guys onto the platforms--each DGG threatening to secede because.. No Guns:

Set assembly on nearby beach at 45° elevation: Guns could disappear (and lots of the ammo hordes, in say ...
[calculates %gun-obsessed-with-abacus] ... well, a few weeks)
of diligent platform fab + amateur Launch Officers. Secessionists: no charge for the air-fare or peppy Bon Voyage Y'all!

National Idiocy Problem

New Scientists...always making the solution too complicated.
Take the ammo from all the weapons. Place under a platform. Put gun nuts on top. Put detonator in ammo may require a few hundred kilos of plastic explosive spread out under the ammo to insure even lift. Signal detonator. Gun nuts fly. Problem solved.
     IRLRPD. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         I love that plane - (drook)
         So then.. if 'we' confiscated ALL of the Gun-nuts' toys; - (Ashton) - (1)
             Scientists...always making the solution too complicated. - (hnick)

Look on my CD collection, ye mighty, and despair!
93 ms