Not exactly everything I remember, but a lot that I'd forgotten about also.

I had close ties with Wonder Bread and Hostess in the 90s and still have friends that currently "work" there.

They've been ticked off about how both the Unions (especially the Teamsters) and Hostess Executive all made blunders of all blunders.

Hostess was taken over by Non-Baking industry execs and that in conjunction with the economy downturn starting in about 2004/5 just made Hostess do one bad decision with another and another and another.

Execs sent in the Bean counters and forced Vendors to drop prices or be threatened with things like Chinese flour being purchased at much lower cost per ton. ADM and Cargill didn't much like that. So it got to also be a pissing match.

Hence, Hostess went continuously downhill.