We (the Western world collectively) made them what they are. Everything they have is rightfully ours, because we gave it to them. If they're going to hate us anyway, we may as well come in and repossess.

We gave them oil?

We gave the technology to yank the oil out of the ground...and even told them were it was (also our technology).

But they were the ones that were there first, living and working that land.

And if this foreclosure results in the destruction of the Saudi regime, its hypocrisy and its Wahabbi fanaticism, so be it.

It may result in the destruction of the Saudi regime (which has been extremely favorable to us).

It won't destroy the Wahabbi fanatics (and will give them more ammunition as that's what they claiming all along that we WOULD do.)

And it will certain expose our own hypocrisy : santity of governments...democracy....capitalism....they don't mean a thing to us.

Hated, too, but we're already hated.

We're hated because we can take what we want.

You want to see destruction? Start actually taking what you want....and watch the world respond.

BTW: thanx for showing your true colors.