The extremists on the other side polarized things long ago.

All I'm saying is we need to defend what's right. We can't polarize what's already polarized.

As for taking what we need: in this case we've as much right to it as the Saudi regime has. More, in fact. Their power and wealth were created by the western world. They owe us, and we can call in the debt any time we feel like it. They know they owe us, and that's why they hate us. But they think we'll never call in the debt, and that makes them arrogant. (Note: I am using the word "arrogant" here in the proper sense, as in, tending to arrogate what one is not entitled to.) We need to disabuse them of that second notion. Once they understand that we're willing to take back what we gave them, I believe many of our more intractible problems will go away.