Bob Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy who made his miners lose a day's pay to serve as a backdrop for Mitt Romney and who pressures his salaried employees to write checks to his favorite candidates, is just not ready to stop campaigning against President Barack Obama. And as usual, he's using his workers as pawns for his politics.

Robert E. Murray read a prayer to a group of company staff members on the day after the election, lamenting the direction of the country and asking: "Lord, please forgive me and anyone with me in Murray Energy Corp. for the decisions that we are now forced to make to preserve the very existence of any of the enterprises that you have helped us build."

On Wednesday, Murray also laid off 54 people at American Coal, one of his subsidiary companies, and 102 at Utah American Energy, blaming a "war on coal" by the administration of President Barack Obama.

Yes, Lord, forgive Murray for firing people to make a bullshit political point the day after the election.
