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New Businesses don't like taxes. Film at 11:00.
A regurgitated FreedomWorks press release. Really?

Ok, I'll play briefly.

The first one: http://www.welchally...108-1347298660449

In making the announcement, Welch Allyn said these actions will proactively prepare the company to address the new onerous U.S. Medical Device Tax scheduled to begin in 2013 as mandated in the Affordable Care Act, as well as other significant changes driven by healthcare reform and market dynamics. The company will also perform a 90-day evaluation of its European operations to determine the optimal deployment of the business in that important market, and reorganize its Latin America business to be more competitive in the region.

Gee. I wonder how much of reason is driven by that other stuff and not by the "onerous" tax. Could it be that the tax is just a convenient whipping boy? "It's not my fault that we need to fire people, it's that evil Government's fault."

The "onerous" tax is all of 2.3% on the sales price - http://www.irs.gov/u...y-Asked-Questions It doesn't apply to eyeglasses and similar things purchased by the public at retail.

I thought that our Republican economist friends always said that business taxes are always passed on to the consumer. Are they now saying they aren't? Are they saying that somehow medical device manufacturers won't sell as many devices if they have to collect a 2.3% tax? How could that be if the devices are truly medically necessary?

Cry me a river, Steve Meyer and FreedomWorks.

New My take...
I also noted that most of these places produced medical equipment. Having been on both sides of the game (making medical equipment and working in the medical dodge,) I can see them being upset. I think the tax is a red herring. What they are pissed about is that there will be more scrutiny on the use of tests, particularly those using upscale equipment, in the myriad private labs that buy their output. If the hospitals and big practices can't make an easy buck running or working with private labs, they'll stop. If they stop, the labs quit buying.
Everybody uses basic X-rays; the specialized low energy X-rays, not so much. If insurance companies stop paying higher prices for the special scans, the practices quit using them. The tax is pretty trivial; they'd just pass that on if that was all there was. They are worried that there will be nobody to pass it on to.
My 0.02
New Thanks very much.
     here come the layoffs - (boxley) - (10)
         Having suffered an embarassing loss . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
             Don't forget "atheist" too... -NT - (malraux) - (3)
                 muslims arn't athiests -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     ort atheists -NT - (boxley)
                     He's all three! - (malraux)
         Businesses don't like taxes. Film at 11:00. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             My take... - (hnick) - (1)
                 Thanks very much. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Hmm ... - (drook)
         Re: here come the layoffs - (lincoln)

We're on a mission from GRR.
41 ms