I'm generally nervous of candidates for national office that have not held important elective office before.
According to Wikipedia, Stein's elective office background consists of 2 terms on the Lexington Town Meeting board for Precinct 2. The Lexington Town Meeting consists of lots and lots of people - http://ci.lexington....ctedofficials.cfm Just Precinct 2 has 21 members. It looks like a community association to me, though with members who have more responsibilities than your usual subdivision association.
She may be a fine person, but she has nothing in her background that indicates she can function effectively heading a multi-trillion dollar organization.
A president isn't a king and can't do anything without allies in Congress. She has none.
It's fine to say that "Americans are lazy". But it's also fine to say, "Why should I vote for her for President when she can't even win a state-wide race in her home state?" Her job is convince the voters, not the other way around.