people are depressed. I think I know why. Their news source (Faux, natch) had been telling them the "Evil Main Stream Media Polls are all wrong" and Romney was going to win in a landslide (See here for example: http://www.hollywood...ll-pundits-387264). Like everything else to the Tea Toddler Community, their reliable "fair and balanced" news source was telling them the truth (as always, the "truth" their idiot viewers wanted to hear). Then comes the election and they get a "thumpin'". "Reality Bites" is what I've been saying a lot to my co-workers nearly all of whom voted R.
Aside: Interestingly, I chatted with a coworker I've known for about a dozen years on the way in. Here's a blow-by-blow:
Me: "Well, at least the pro-rape Senate candidate didn't win."
CoW: "Don't talk to me. I'm in mourning."
Me: "You didn't want Mourdock to win, did you?"
CoW: "No. I didn't want Obama to win."
Me: "You didn't want that Bankster to win, did you?"
CoW: "Better him than a Muslim who is ruining our country."
Me: "Oooooooookay then." And fled as quickly as I could.
Lesson: Even if you think you do, you have no idea how fscked up in the head some of your co-workers are.