played by the young Russian trumpet virtuoso - Sergei Nakariakov. It is a masterpiece of pianissimo brass playing - but with emotional interpretation beyond his apparent age. Ya don't really want some repetitive electronic-box beat.. drummin ya outta the Corps, now do ya?

(Or if you don't want to think about it a lot - just rent Soylent Green and a big-screen Tee Vee; now That barely.. post-Murican society knew how to er 'compensate' folks for the little vicissitudes of life: a Fancy Sendoff, maybe even with clean sheets and real Sanka in that last coffee!)

Ashton Final Exits LLC

Rebates! if we can film it for next season's Reeeality Tee Vee\ufffd: sponsored by your friendly local Thanatos Corporation. Not valid in countries possessing taste. Some States require a deposit. (Er - cash only, if ya know what we mean?)