(This was originally contemplated as an inquiry, but concerned lest I appear too foolish—I am myself disposed to be a tad censorious when approached for advice by people who have not explored at least a few potential avenues toward a solution—I undertook a few cable swaps and component substitutions, and stumbled upon a serviceable remedy.)
As many of you are aware, I'm something of a duffer techwise, lacking even elementary fluency in many of the areas of expertise shared by the founders and onlie true begetters of this group. Probably in no realm of electronic inquiry is my cluelessness starker than when I contemplate the jerry-rigged apparatus by which I send, receive and distribute electrons from the intertubes. Years ago I had to enlist a Russian teenager (who has since had to flee the country for unrelated but compelling reasons) to set up the configuration I had until earlier this month, and have since added to this but cautiously.
At the spousette's behest I have had AT&T upgrade our internet service from "laughable" to "mediocre." As part of this process they replaced the bare-bones DSL "modem" with a black box that adds a router, both wired and wireless, to the earlier unit's functions. Unfortunately in the course of the installation my "Airport Extreme" base station had to be disconnected, which killed the wireless audio link to the stereo in the next room. Nichto problemo, thought I. I'll daisy-chain the old router. Nope. But a humble old ethernet hub, by means of which I have continued to print to my ancient but sturdy HP Laserjet 6MP half a decade after Steve Jobs murdered AppleTalk, has saved the day. I had in reserve (God knows from where) an eight-port gigabit switch, which would have been the next box to swap into the chain, but if it ain't broke, sez I (channeling the late American political philosopher Bert Lance), don't fix it without a compelling reason. So woo and yay, and woo again.
But it remains a little nerve-wracking to muck about in these matters with about a quarter-clue as to what I'm doing.